Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tomatoes and Treasures

Remember that quote from Ouiser in Steel Magnolias about Southern women growing tomatoes in the dirt and wearing funny hats when they get old? 

Well, I think I must surely be getting old cause me and the Dracenator set out four tomato plants today and if y'all recall, I did a post about how much I like fancy hats a few weeks ago. 

The Dracenator is super psyched about his tomato plants and those school fundraiser strawberry plants we planted in the bags.  He really wants a full vegetable garden of his very own here at the house but until I get a chance to take a course in farming 101, his garden at Popaw Bob's will have to do.  

He has had his own little side garden over there for the past couple of years.  He gets as excited about a pack of seeds as I do over a new pair of wedges.  

He and his brother made it back to school today.  The doctor's office finally called this afternoon to tell me Devin's test came back positive. yesterday.  Umm...I think yesterday is when I should have received this call.  He already had two doses of Dracen's antibiotic in him, per doctor's orders, but of course we had to go pick something up for him that he has to take for 9 more days. 


Li'l Bit did great with her laparascopic spay.  I have, in fact, had a hard time keeping her from jumping and running today. 

I did a little jumping myself in boot camp this morning. First time I've made it to boot camp since the move and lemme tell you, I'm feelin' it already.  I may or may not be able to walk tomorrow. 

After boot camp, I checked out an antiques mall I haven't been to before.  I am becoming more and more fond of those places.  Probably has something to do with my age and the whole growing tomatoes and longing to wear colorful hats.

Here are a few of the little treasures I found today.

I've been meaning to replace my salt shaker and pepper mill grinder since I threw my old ones out with all the 15 year old spices I discovered during the move.  I found this set for $3. 

I liked the distressed look of this red napkin holder.

I thought this little sewing basket (though I assure you I will most likely never be keeping sewing materials in it) was a steal for $2.99 

And my favorite find of the day was this little antique set of satin portraits.  I have no idea where I'm gonna put them yet, but I just had to have them.

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