Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Buggy poles, cherry limeade, and the house that built me

For the first Tuesday in weeks, I do not have to be go to the ball fields tonight, thanks to the EOGs.  I suppose I should get back to work on stripping the kitchen wallpaper.  I started on it yesterday afternoon and have taken a looong break. 

Not fun.

Not as bad as it could be, from some of the horror stories I've heard but still...not fun. 

I went bargain shopping for the house today at TJ Maxx and Ross.  Just FYI, there's a reason why they put those long poles on the ends of the buggies a.k.a shopping carts at Ross. 

It's so you won't take them out into the parking lot, which is the craziest, most absurd thing I've ever heard.

The reason I know this is because I tried to wheel mine through the door since it was full of pillows, candles and picture frames that I didn't want to try and lug across the parking lot, when WHAM!  Duh...there's a pole on the end of this thing. 

Of course the place was full of people too and one of the cashiers says, those won't go outside...  Well, no sh%&, Sherlock, I can see that NOW!  Why didn't you stop me before I mindlessly crashed into the door!  Oh and she also said, but you can pull your car up... 

Well, yes, thank you very much for pointing that out as well but since everyone in here is now staring bullet holes through me, I think I'll gather up all these humongous bags, hang them from my limbs and neck and scurry outta this joint. 

I did too.

And I will never buy big things at Ross again.  Is that not crazy? Are they afraid a stampede of bag ladies will raid the parking lot and leave them buggyless.  

On the way home I stopped at Sonic.  This is not a place I normally visit but Big Mama is always talking about it so I have suddenly started craving it. 

I had a cherry limeade and a junior cheeseburger because sometimes a girl just has to say YES.  I am now officially addicted to their cherry limeades.  I had no idea what I'd been missin' out on! Good thing I don't have to pass by there very often.

Also on the way home, I heard that new Miranda Lambert song that makes me cry every time I hear it and it is now the current song stuck in my head..  Am I the only one who always has a song stuck in her head or does everyone else do that too? 

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it,
This brokenness inside me might start healing
Out here it's like I'm someone else
I thought that maybe I could find myself

If I could just come in, I swear I'll leave
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me

That is the best song to me and I can't imagine that anyone can listen to that and not be taken back to a house in their past.  For me, it's the one I just moved out of.  It is not the house where I spent my childhood or even adolescence but if you read my If These Walls Could Talk  post in March then you know that is the house that built me. 

I hope that my boys will maybe one day look back on this house and have those same warm, fuzzy feelings about it.  Well, me too, for that matter.

So I guess I'd better get back to making this house a home.  It is, by the way, feeling more and more like it each and every day.


  1. When I was pregnant with all three of my kids, I could not drink Cherry LimeAids. They made me so sick to my stomach.

    We are doing this healthy diet/lifestyle change. I haven't had yummy food or drink much. We ordered pizza tonight. Richard had to go by the Sonic. I asked him to bring me home a large drink with caffeine. Yummy, Dr. Pepper. I can't remember the last time I had one!

    We are officially finished with softball, volleyball, music, and ballet. We just have 4 1/2 days left of school. WooHoo!

    This time next week I will be packed for 12 glorious days at the beach... with my hat on, of course.

  2. When I was pregnant with Devin, I was repulsed by spaghetti, orange juice and gum and could've eaten Japanese food every day. I didn't have anything weird like that with Dracen though.

    Good for you on the healthier diet. I suppose I should think about something like that myself!
