Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Doggie etiquette, an empty nest, and the wonderful world of color

A couple of hours after my post on Leroy Brown yesterday, a scuffle broke out between him and Brisco Darling.  I was outside paying the painter who had just painted my sunroom and living room and when I came back in was told of said scuffle.  I'm not calling it a fight because there were no injuries.

I think Mr. Brown is lucky that Mr. Darling is a lover, not a fighter, because he has youth and teeth on his side. 

It seems as though Leroy has done something to get on the not so good side of the Darling Dachsies because there is some sort of line now drawn in the sand between them.  They do their thing and he does his.  Charlie said they remind him of the "popular" kids in school treating him as if he is one of the "unpopular" kids.

I think it has something to do with LB's lack of etiquette.  We're trying to teach him the whole concept of boundaries.  He tends to  be a bit overwhelming with his enthusiasm at times.  But who can blame the poor little guy if he's a little insecure.  And overly enthusiastic.

Aside from conducting dog etiquette classes yesterday, I got my hair did and my living room and sunroom got painted.  I am not regretting my color choices in the least.  On my head or my walls.

What do you think?

I love it!  I think it's time to go furniture shopping.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell y'all about the baby birds.  I had checked in on them Sunday afternoon and did not recognize them.  They no longer chirped at me and held their little mouths open.  Their cardboard box nest was now cramped and they looked at me like, "lady, who are you and what the heck do you want?"    I thought I'd go out yesterday afternoon and try to get a good pic of them, but guess what?

They were gone. 

Just like that.  


I was kicking myself for not getting a pic sooner, but at the same time, thrilled that they made it.  Yes!  My sanity remains intact. 

The main highlight of my day, however, was a very unexpected late Mother's Day card that the Dracenator had made at school and forgot to give me over the weekend.  It is complete with stick people, backwards letters and a rainbow heart.

Life is good.

And I think It's time for the words of Marjorie Holmes:


Oh, God, how grateful we all should be for color.
For blue skies and blue eyes and this little blue dress that
I'm hanging on the line.
For oranges vivid in the brown basket that sits upon my kitchen table. 
For the purple grapes that choke the fence,
and the lavender cups of morning glories against a white garage.
What a lovely thing-the interplay of colors in a paisley blouse.
A throw rug. A bracelet. A vase on the shelf.
I think of all the unsung artists and craftsmen who have
produced them, and the marvelous routes and ways of trade and commerce
that must weave and interplay-like the intermingling of colors-
to bring them all into my home to enrich and heighten
the pattern of all our lives.

I am grateful, God, for all red things.  For cannas, and scarlet cardinals.
For the ruby red of cherries.  The red on a woodpecker's throat.
The bright living red of my own blood flowing. 
And the faded red of old boxcars or windbeaten barns.
I offer up thanks, dear God, for green.
That leaves are green of countless shades-and so are the grasses
and growths with which you've chosen to carpet your world.
And that we, your people, are given gifts that enable us to
copy those limitless greens in paint and fabrics,
in wallpapers and leathers and dyes.
I am happy, Lord, for yellow.  The golden yellow of sunshine,
and butter and daffodils,and autumn trees.
For the lovely yellow- so rich, so intense- in an egg yolk,
a lemon, a length of ribbon, a pair of bright new shoes.
And you gather up all theses many colors into an arch of misty
ribbons and turn them into a rainbow for our delight.
As if the whole beautiful earth were being packaged
up and tied with a bow.

How grateful we should be that you didn't give us a drab, sere world,
or one in mere black and white.
That you decided to make even people in so many shades
of skin and hair and eyes. 
How dull it would be, Lord, if all races and
all faces looked alike.
Thank you, God, for color.  All the exciting hues that
drench the earth and stir the senses.  And for giving us the eyes
with which to see them.
Thank you, God, for the miracle of sight.

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