Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It is so quiet in here, the only thing I can hear is the humming of my laptop, the tapping of my fingers on the keys and the heavy breathing of two sleeping Dacshies at my side. 

Dev and the Dracenator stayed with Momaw & Popaw last night since it was our anniversary.  We headed up the mountain to eat dinner at The Peddler Steakhouse in Boone.  It was delicious.  And it had to be at least 15 degrees cooler up there.  I was actually chilly when I stepped out of the car and had to put a sweater on.  I'm thinking we need to drive up the mountain a few more times this summer!

Here are a few shots I snapped from the car with the crackberry as we were driving toward the mountains. 

I've always been awed by the sun shining down beams through the clouds like that.  Gives me a feeling of comfort and gratitude and the sense that heaven is just on the other side. 

There was also a great big beautiful majestic orange moon on the ride home but no such luck on getting any good shots of it.  Reminds me of a year ago this week when we were in Spain with some really great friends and tried and tried to capture the beauty of a full moon one night but to no avail.  The moon is a tricky subject for an amateur. 

Charlie and I wrote that night down in our little anniversary book I gave him as a gift last year for our one year as our most memorable night of the past year.  We were staying in my friend Jenn's grandmother's vacation home near Puerto Banus and decided we'd make pizzas.  We bought our little pizzas at the market, took them home and turned the oven on to preheat but after about 30 minutes finally came to the conclusion that the oven was no funciona.  It was dead.

What to do?  What to do?  There was a charcoal grill that would not, for the love of God, light.  After several attempts, the gathering of dried palm leaves and various other debris out of the yard, and the shedding of many tears of laughter, we had FIRE and grilled pizza and it was awesome!



  1. Those pics are beautiful! I love the mountains too. :)
    Your pizza adventure sounds so fun! How great to be in Spain for your anniversary.

  2. Those pictures are amazing...I love seeing the sun in the clouds too. Those are definitely frame-worthy :)

    Happy anniversary! And I love your anniversary book idea - what a fantastic way to memorialize the years together.

    The pizza part of the story was my favorite!

  3. Gorgeous Pictures!!! Great shots of God's glory right there!

    Happy Anniversary!

  4. Salud! I love the pictures of the clouds and the sky opening up! I also wish I could jump in that pool! It has been hot here! I also feel comfort when I see clouds opening and the light filtering through. Looks like you had a fun time!

    Mama Hen

  5. Hey Diane! You have an award waiting for you! You deserve it! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  6. Gorgeous pics!!

    Just wanted to let you know that you have an award waiting for you at:

