Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wordful Wednesday...Glamour Pups

A couple of weeks ago we went to the NC Wiener Roast that you may have read my post about. 

There was a professional photographer there and I, of course, opted to have the Darlings photographed, posh style, and received the cd I purchased in the mail last week.

 She had this fancy little set up all done up by the water with the castle in the background. The little table was pretty high for a wiener dog who only stands about 4 inches off the ground but all they had to do was sit there for 5 seconds for the lady to snap her shot.

Sounds easier than it is, really.

This shot was just before Li'l Bit leapt off the table and ran to me, which she did twice before I went and ducked down behind the table to hold them in place while trying desperately to keep any part of me out of the photo. 

At one point, Charlie and I were both back there holding the hind legs of the wieners and talking to them in our high pitched baby talk voices.

Mr. Darling was having a difficult time keeping his eye on the camera and off the woods that surely housed many critters that he was clearly plotting to chase and attempt to kill if he could only get away for one second.

I must have looked at the photos on my computer several times before I noticed something a little odd about this next one. Check it out and see if you notice right away...

How long did it take you?  Yes, that is my profile back there as I squatted and coaxed my little wieners into
perfect shot...


For more Wordful Wednesday posts, you can hop on over to Seven Clown Circus.


  1. Dogs sporting couture make me laugh. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. that is too funny! The pics are cute. I never got professional shots of my dogs.

  3. cute pictures... the face is great too - love that you posted that one.
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  4. Hey! I have to do the same thing to get my son to take a picture ;)

  5. i'm catching up from being on vacation.

    these are really great pictures. and, i'm not even a "dog person".
