Friday, July 9, 2010

Just for today

Last night we drove over an hour away again because Dev had another all-stars game.  They were winning 10-0 at the top of the third when the lightning rolled in....well, more like all around, but never actually on top of us.  But little league has very strict rules about lightning.  And for good reason.

So we stood.

And we sat.

And, finally, around 10pm, they said "play ball" again, only to have a big flash of lightning strike the sky again once they started warming up.  The umpire shouts, "get 'em off!"

So we sat and stood some more only for them to finally decide that they couldn't finish that game last night.  So...the adventure will continue....

I just checked in on my list of 30 things to do this summer over there to the right and I think I need to kick it up a notch or two because I still have a whole lot of checking off to do!  Cleaning out the basement of the old house is on the agenda for this weekend.  My dumpster should be being delivered as I type.  Yes, I said dumpster.  There's a whole lotta stuff in there.  Some good. Some bad. And some just ugly.  Fun times.

It's gonna be a busy, busy weekend since we have a minor league baseball game to attend with the Dracenator's little league team tonight, possibly 2 all-star games for Dev and church and a pool party on Sunday...all in addition to cleaning out the basement from hell at the old house.  Does anyone know where I can get an ultra shot of speed? 

And...I'm feeling anxious for no good reason.  I hate that.  It happens on occasion and usually never amounts to anything so I always wonder what causes it.  I get restless, nervous, and even a little queasy.  Is it the phase of the moon, a shift in the earth's atmospheric pressure, the unhealthy "red" ozone level or impending doom?  Or maybe it's simply due to the fact that I have so many things on the to-do list.  

We are currently watching a video series by Andy Stanley in our Sunday school class and in one session he talked about margins and how our culture encourages us to live as if we have no limits.  He says that the secret to getting more out of life is not doing more, but doing less and that we must learn to create margin to live the life God intended for us.

I totally get this and am all about this but it's a lot easier said than done, isn't it?  Society makes it difficult because it expects a lot of us. It's all about balance, and I think that starts with a healthy relationship with the man upstairs and in taking things one step and one day at a time.  

It's been way too long since I picked up my little treasure of a book by Marjorie Holmes I found at that antiques shop back in the spring so I will leave you with her words today...


Oh, God, give me grace for this day.
Not for a lifetime, nor for next week,
nor for tomorrow, just for this day.
Direct my thoughts and bless them.
Direct my work and bless it.
Direct the things I say,and give them blessing too.
Direct and bless everything that I think and speak
and do.  So that for this one day, Just this one day,
I have the gift of grace that comes
from your presence.
Oh God, for this day, just this one day, let me live
generously, kindly, in a state of grace and goodness
that denies my many imperfections and makes
me more like you.

Hope you all have a blessed weekend,



  1. What a great way to end your post. Thanks for sending out encouragement. Maybe you can get a few things marked off your list this weekend. While it will be freeing to clean out that basement, it will probably be hard to do. Praying for you.

  2. Oh, beautiful, encouraging post! And the words from Holmes? Incredible...thank you...I needed them today!

  3. That is beautiful!
    Good luck this weekend girl. Just yesterday I told my husband I think I have anxiety. I get those same feelings. :(

  4. I just loved this post. Some of the things you touched on like being anxious for no reason, or feeling as if you need to cross some things off the to do list, and trying to find balance through it all are all things I can relate to! I feel like I could've written some of your post. LOL I'm your newest follower.

  5. Would like to be with you and go through the basement. Never know what goodies you might find! You still have time before summer is over. Don't work too hard! Love love that poem!
