Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Post it Note Tuesday...football season and other stuff

I think I stayed away from the blog way too long.  There were crickets chirping up in here on my post yesterday.  I finally did get 2 comments and one was my sis.  The other was Laura at Purseblogger, one of the sweetest bloggers I know.  Thanks, ladies!

Today is Tuesday, which means Post It Note Tuesday with Supah.  Yay!  LOVE PINT!  :)


  1. My little town is a big football town too! We even come out for preseason scrimmages!

  2. That whole football thing is just beginning. Wait till high school!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  3. I live in a tiny TX town so football is king here. It blows my mind that they have those kids out there for two-a-days in this blistering heat!

    Happy PINT!

  4. S has been practicing for 2 full weeks, now. One Friday practice was canceled due to the heat index. In that same phone call, they said, "don't forget monday is full pads"?seriously? Weigh in is this week. My kid ways all of 62.5 lbs. With his helmet on, he looks like a bobble head.

    Glad you are back. Glad you had your creamer:) Yesterday, was our first Monday of school. I went to make coffee and ..... there was none! I gave my husband instructions, "stop by starbucks on the way home"!!! He was my knight in shining armor. Thankfully our coffee arrived in the mail, yesterday. We buy Rhawandian (sp) coffee from Land of a Thousand Hills. It gets delivered to the house and helps support coffee growers in Rhawanda (sp). Good for me and good for them!

    My post it notes would say:
    All you people working in my house, get finished so that I can get my house back in order. It's hard to feed 11 people with a little kitchen table.

    It's raining doesn't that mean you are supposed to take a nap?

  5. Hi Diane, Thanks for stopping over.
    Your blog is awesome. That is a great quote! I have to do lists and use them or nothing will ever get done. Have a great week.

  6. The only "to-do" lists I stick to are the ones at work since my job depends on it. Otherwise - they are just for looks!

  7. Oh! I love that quote too, though I don't know who said it! Pilates and zumba back to back? You're a rockstar!

  8. I love that you use 'buggies' at the grocery store. we call them carts. someone said 'trolly' and i was so lost!
