Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Post it Note Tuesday...A note from the teacher and We got rolled!

Now go check out That One Mom over at Only Parent Chronicles for more post its fun!  

That One Mom


  1. Oh my gosh! I totally remember toilet papering houses when I was a kid! Sorry it happened to y'all!

    Love the rubber band analogy! I think my kids are totally like that too!

    Happy PINT!

  2. Selective hearing - definitely a male trait and they develop it very early on!

  3. Oh its not just a male quality, I wonder about my daughter's hearing sometimes too...selective hearing is right=)

  4. The rubber band analogy is fantastic! It totally decsribes my daughter!

  5. The fact that you can joke about the TP rolling, cracks me up!

  6. My son was like that. We called him oops. Always had to fool around with something and then it broke. Great job on the test! We haven't been rolled, I know it's a mess to clean up.

  7. Oh man, with trees like that in your yard you are just begging to be rolled. Ha. I love that he is breaking erasers. Maybe he just wants others to work a little harder at not making mistakes. I would if I knew I couldn't start over.

  8. LOVE these!!

    Thanks for stoppin in over at Remember Ember! I'm now following your lovely blog!! Can't wait to read more!


  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is a great post. Love the post-it notes! I think my son fits that "stretching the rubber band" type too. Hilarious that his teacher asked about his hearing...boys!
