Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Opinions on a Post-It

Click this pretty yellow post-it for more PINT!

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. $2 million just for passing go? Wow. That's inflation... maybe this version of monopoly contributed to the GFC.

    I wandered over from PINT.

  2. Thanks for stopping bye, I was wondering about the Monopoly game..they always ruin the good things. Happy Tuesday =)

  3. Seriously? Human waste as fertilizer? Eeeeewwww.....

  4. I love it!! Lol! We lived across from stables once and they used to fertilize the grounds as well. It killed me bc I would bring friends over and then just die when it hit us in the face getting out of the car.

  5. I love it - naked football! My girlfriend had similar issues with her boys - they live in Norway and were visiting MN this summer. The house they were staying at was on a lake. The boys, thinking NOTHING of nudity, would strip down and jump in the lake. The neighbors in the million dollar homes on Lake Minnetonka were NOT amused. ;P

    I thought it was funny!

  6. LOL. That is funny that you said they messed up a good smart a.. saying.

    And yes, Jen Grey is 50! AMAZING!

  7. ok. human poo? excuse me while I clean up the urp that just heaved up in my mouth.

    naked football. come on now. Mamaw didn't appreciate that?

  8. I had to laugh at playing football naked. My boys would definitely do that.

  9. Naked Football? That is so funny.
    They might could make a living off that.

    I was in NYC this past weekend and happened upon "naked cowboy" in Times Square. There were women lined up to get their pictures with him.

  10. $2million?? I would love to live there....seriously. I don't care if I have to pay rent...wait. How much is rent. What is wrong?!?! Why can I never get ahead. Oh, sorry. I got a little carried away. Loved your notes.

  11. I love this post - hysterical! I am your newest follower.


  12. Two million, that does seem excessive! Love the story on your boys, funny stuff. I agree with the poop stuff they use, it's horrible!

  13. The quote about spending money is awesome!!! I love it!!

    Who on earth fertilizes their lawn with human poop????? Ugh, that is SO gross!

    Don't you just love when the spawn say they did something on accident? Like today, when one of my 3-year olds ate peanut butter out of the jar today with his dirty fingers and then told me "ooops, it was an accident", I'm supposed to just be okay with that. Yeah, right!

  14. Um...it has always been, and will always be...do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars. I say that to my children all the time. Matter of fact, I say it to a lot of people.

    Go to your room, go directly to your room, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

    Go to hell, go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

    See it works for all sorts of things. And frankly, $2M sounds ridiculous. Just sayin'

  15. I would actually watch football if the NFL would take up that practice.

    Recently, we were camping with about 12 Girl Scouts and 6 parents besides me. I drove to a nearby store to pick up some supplies, leaving the other 6 parents in charge for maybe 30 minutes. When I returned, 10 out of 12 girls had been playing in the creek almost up to their knees. Which would have been fine if they would have had extra shoes. We lined the shoes up around the campfire and they "cooked" the rest of the evening. Which was another reason, we couldn't try that peeing thing that your boys tried (previous "Be Still a Minute" story). But I think they learned their lesson about soaking the only pair of shoes that they brought with them.

  16. Are you kidding me? They changed Monopoly?! Wrong. Plain wrong.

  17. Love this post! And your pic of Charlene over on the right ;)
    Stopping by from Mama Kat's!
