Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WW: Fame is a bee

Fame is a bee.

It has a song --

It has a sting --

Ah, too, it has a wing!

~Emily Dickinson

If looks could kill, I wouldn't be here now...


Happy Hallowiener!

Linking up for Wordful/Wordless Wednesday with
  Alicia at A Beautiful Mess,



  1. Ha Ha! That pup is really rethinking whether you are the perfect fit. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. No way I could get my cat to wear a costume. What a cute little doggie, though!

  3. LOL! Ohhh that look! You're in trouble ;)


  4. What a great costume! By the way I love the color change to your blog.

  5. Ok, seriously, he really is shooting out some death rays!

  6. That is just about the most adorable thing I've seen in a while. Thanks! I hope your little weiner dog doesn't eat too many treats!

  7. HAHA!!! My dog actually loves to dress up! She is 50 lbs and if we put a bandana or coat on her she is so proud of herself. My husband is not so proud of her though :-)

  8. I love him! He's adorable. I put a Halloween scarf on my dog a while back, but that's about all she let me do. LOL I'm your latest follower hope you can follow me too. Come visit my new meme Monday's Music Moves Me! It's tons of fun.

  9. I tried to dress Dumb Dog up one year and he chewed the costume off while I was making dinner. You should enter your four legged baby in my Halloween contest. He might win!

  10. Hahah. Who knew that dogs could glare. That is definately a "What the heck are you doing to me" look. Cute still the same!
