Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PINT: Cold weather and happy reindeer!

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Only Parent Chronicles


  1. LoL You really should have gotten a picture of the reindeer's :-D

  2. the reindeer thing is way too funny!! Pictures really are needed! And Glee is on TONIGHT, Tuesday, at 8:00 on Fox. Watch. Watch it NOW.

  3. It is cold! BRRRRR!

    I've only seen Glee a few times. It's on Fox on Tuesday nights, though.

  4. Your kid must be my kid's long lost twin! Why do they try to get away with that?!?

    Anyway, happy PINT... and I have a giveaway going on if you're interested: We Don't Have It All Together

  5. Girl...jump on the Glee bandwagon! I'm totally addicted lol. Tonight on Fox 8 pm!

  6. I don't watch Glee either but everyone at work is obsessed with it. I can't convince hubby to watch it and I'm not fighting for the remote!

  7. I feel the same way about prezzies under the tree. It doesn't look complete until they're there. Then on Christmas day when it's empty again, it's all lonely and wretched looking again.

  8. It's -2 here. brrrr!!!
    I'm your newest follower and am currently hosting a giveaway! I would love for you to swing by and check out my blog!

  9. It's cold here too. And I have to go out in it to take my son to swim lessons. Brr.

  10. Glee is tonight on KTTV which I think is a Fox station! We get it at 8PM. I love it. Missed the first season but I did get caught up. It is wonderful each week and the CD is awesome. I love that song too!

  11. Funny you should mention Glee. My family and I rented the first season on DVD this past weekend, and we are officially Gleeks! It's totally worth it! And for the song you were singing, it played on the episode I watched tonight...ya, I'm a Glee fanatic now. This is how much I love it: I had preordered Eclipse....YET it's still sitting in the wrap on my countertop because I'm trying to get through Glee!!!

  12. Yet another reason not to have reindeer in the front yard with boys in the house. Hahaha.

    I too love that song. That rendition is great. Also love Martina McBride's as well.

  13. You are having way to much fun at your house. We finally have our tree up. The lights will go up this weekend.

  14. I promise to zip my hoodie!! Geez!! That's nuts! My teen did that but we were going shopping for a winter coat so at least she came home warm. :)
