Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sick day

It's been weeks since I participated in Post-it note Tuesday with That One Mom so I thought I'd join back in today...


  1. Hello, just droppin' in to say that :) And yeah, what's up with the chest colds all-of-a-sudden? We all got it too - out of nowhere! Bummer.

    I have some giveaways going on if you're interested, I am trying to boost the entries!! We Don't Have It All Together They are all listed at the top of my page.

  2. Ive never seen any sea monkeys!

  3. $6,000 and it just might claw her face off one day. No thanks!

  4. AMEN. And again I say Amen. Uhm and again. Also? They are lying.

  5. I ate so much over the holidays. I can't believe there are people who didn't!

  6. Holy Monkeys Batman! Monkeys aren't that cute!! And those women were totally lying. You know it. I know it. Their butts know it.

    Sorry, got a little carried away!

  7. AMEN! I think I ate more than my pregnant girlfriends over the holidays. Anyone who says they didn't cheat a little is LYING. And you made me so grateful that my 18 month old hasn't discovered pets yet...we're a goldfish only kinda house!
