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*Why has Brisco Darling the wiener dog suddenly become an insomniac? I swear he has not slept through the night since he went nose to nose with Tuesday the squirrel in the sunroom last week.
*How in the world did Dracen not realize his pants were 3 sizes too big this morning? I, in my early morning fog and stupor, accidentally gave him a pair of Devin's pants to put on and he had already eaten breakfast, combed his hair, and was in the process of brushing his teeth when I noticed that his feet weren't visible and the crotch of his pants was at his knees.
*Why do people feel it necessary to drop the F bomb or constantly broadcast negative vibes in their facebook statuses? Just say no to that. Please.
*How is it that Charlie had never tried Kellogg's Corn Pops cereal or butter in his oatmeal until just last week? I'm introduing him to some fine breakfast cuisine over here.
*What do so many people see in shows like Jersey Shore, Jerseylicious, and Real Housewives? I mean, I will admit that I can't flip past Hoarders, Hoarding:Buried Alive or You Won't Believe What My Dog Ate but watching a bunch of shallow, over-tanned, over-accessorized people get drunk and talk smack about each other is not my idea of a good time.
*Why does every single movie nowadays have a sex scene and someone who can't refrain from throwing around the F bomb in every other sentence, thus turning what could very well have been a PG movie that I could have taken the kids to into a PG-13 or R movie? This is why I have not seen most of the movies nominated for awards last night. Though Charlie and I did have a date night to see Black Swan a few weeks ago. I was a little freaked out to discover that the actress who played Natalie Portman's character's mom was Barbara Hershey. I had to google who that was when I got home and was shocked to discover it was her. Didn't she used to be, I don't know...feminine?
*Where did Dracen get the idea to say "this just isn't working for me" about things like his math homework, taking out the trash and cleaning the guinea pig cage? He's 7.
*Why did I find a dirty spoon on the floor of the boys' bathroom this morning?
*Why do I have disturbing dreams every time I eat seafood? I had shrimp at the Japanese restaurant yesterday and had a very eerie dream last night that I can't even remember...just recall waking up in the middle of the night scared out of my wits. And I swear it happens every time I have seafood. There has to be something to this. I mean, just look at Spongebob with his crazy dreams and he's living right down there with all those little sea critters, which brings me to my final question for today...
*Why does Spongebob live in a pineapple and why don't more people question the fact that he does? Pineapples don't grow under the sea!
Can anyone answer any of these question for me? Anyone?