Dracen fesses up that he was popping some popcorn and that he just hit the "popcorn" button. Charlie opens the microwave door and out pours the smoke, permeating our nostrils with the oh so pleasing odor of burnt to a crisp popcorn.
What smells worse than burnt popcorn? Well, okay I can probably think of a few things but it's definitely right up there in the running for the absolute nastiest household smell.
Turns out it was one of those little snack size bags that requires much less time than the normal bags and besides, that popcorn button even burns those too so you can imagine how obliterated this thing was.
Now, although I cleaned that sucker out, every.single.time. we turn it on we are once again blasted with that funk. Stink.Stank.Stunk.
Saturday night we deposited the demolition duo at Momaw Pat's for a couple of hours and headed out to a Valentine's dinner at 1859, a quaint little romantic restaurant in an old house that was built in the year...1859. Awesome. Any place that offers a decent key lime pie for dessert is alright by me.
Yesterday afternoon we went to see Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D and I have to admit, I was entertained. Who knew garden gnomes led such interesting lives? I'm now considering the possibility that I may just need a few of those little guys to spice things up in my yard.
When we got to the theater, the parking lot was pretty crowded so Charlie dropped us off at the door. I went ahead and bought our tickets. 36 dollars. We then ordered two medium popcorns and 4 medium drinks to which the girl behind the counter informed us was not our best deal and that it was, in fact, cheaper to go with larges.
Well then, by all means, Supersize us.
Y'all. I kid you not. These drinks were like 2 liters. Dracen had to carry his like a football. And they didn't have the extra long straws so our little straws kept sliding through the hole and getting drowned in a great big ocean of coca-cola.
Charlie said we could've gotten a straw extender for an extra 20 bucks and I'm sure that if they had offered one, that price would have been just about right.
Good thing we stopped at the dollar store on the way for our Twizzlers and Airheads. And tape. for Dracen's Valentines.
He picked out his Valentines for his class at Target last week. He couldn't make a decision between the Laffy Taffy ones and the Starburst ones so I let him get both since I felt kinda bad for his class that they aren't having a party.
Second grade and no Valentine's party. Poo. The teacher sent home a list with everyone's names saying they could send in cards if they wanted but no party. They didn't even decorate a cute little bag or box with cutout hearts to put them in.
He really seemed okay with it. I think I was more disappointed than he was.
I was not disappointed, however, after I stumbled out of bed this morning , down the hall to the kitchen where I poured coffee all over the counter and floor while trying to hit my red mug and then into the sunroom to let the Darlings out when I saw a great big wicker crate with a red bow with my name and filled with lots of Valentine goodness...
Happy Valentine's Day!

You are right, burnt popcorn smells awful! Happy V-DAy.
The smell of burnt popcorn is one of those smells that just gets into the pores of the wall and clings!
ReplyDeleteThe price of a movie and snacks is getting to be as expensive as a car note!
oooh, was there something in the wicker basket?? It looks so pretty!
ReplyDeleteI have heard vinegar and water in the microwave for 2 minutes takes away the smell...I haven't tried it though! Hope the smell goes away soon...it can stay in there so long...yuk!
ReplyDeleteMovies really are ridiculously expensive, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteNo Valentine's Day party? That is no fun!
That burnt popcorn smell definitely rates right up at the top of the list of nasty smells!
ReplyDeleteMy boys saw Gnomeo and Juliet this weekend, too. They liked it. Movie snack prices KILL me! We sneak stuff in too. I mean they practically force you to!
I would be sad about no Valentine's Party, too. My two youngest are in 4th grade and they had one this year. I am guessing that next year will be their last one, which is kind of a bummer.
Ahhh! What a great suprise. And I am with you on the whole school party things. Hello! It is one day. Actually half of one day. What could possibly be more important that letting kids be kids for those 60 minutes. Sheesh teachers...chill out.
ReplyDeleteSo you like the movie? Can't wait to see it!
We have had that same problem with the mini popcorn bags and our new microwave. What is up with that?
ReplyDeleteI told my kids I was not helping them write names on the valentine's lists they had for 2 weeks. Come on! All my kids are honor roll students. Can't they write names on their Valentine's card without me making them? So, I bought candy and sent it to school instead of doing individual cards.