Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This past week...

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. I love the funniest thing you read " may God turn their ankles so we may see them limp" hahaha!
    Weiner dogs are mischievous little stinkers. The two I had were so bad about that and they look at you like " what did I do?".

  2. I'm hoping that now that Charlie Sheen has been fired, his spotlight will start to fade out. Go away, Charlie.

    I love that quote about limping. LOL

  3. I do love your post it note it Tuesday's! And the three some thing w/ a goddess *isn't* normal? Ohhh . . . ;)

  4. LOVE that last quote about bot harvesting golden delicious if you plant crab apples!

  5. Oh my gosh, this post it note thingy is so cute! Naughty doggies for digging in the backyard, but I am sure they batted their little brown eyes at you and all was forgiven! Here's to hoping you do not have to have a root canal, and have a wonderful rest of the week!

  6. Wow, these were so good. Love the turned ankles!!! Charlie has jumped off the deep end. Have to laugh at the tails sticking out of the holes. Our Skye does that sometimes.

  7. I have now had 2(!) root canals. I hope you don't have to join the root canal club!

  8. Great quote... both the funniest and the profound! I just discovered a hole under my fence where my sister's dog must have dug... she's never done that before, so I wonder what she heard on the other side. She's a lab... it's quite the hole!

  9. My post it note says: "ask dad, I'm going to the beach with my friends for 3 days:)":D

  10. Oh man, Charlie Sheen has just lost his mind. And I just saw he's suing Two and a Half Men for $100 million :/
