Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WW...Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear

For more Wordless/Wordful Wednesday posts, visit Amanda at Parenting By Dummies, Angie at Seven Clown Circus, Alicia at Project Alicia, and Kristi at Live and Love...Out Loud.


  1. You all look like you were having so much fun! I love getting pictures of the kids in the backseat, especially when they are so tired they have fallen over in their sleep.

  2. I like the one looking over the cliff, though my fear of heights is kicking in!

  3. What cool shots! That one of your son is priceless, his expression is perfect!

    Happy WW~

  4. Oh I love it!! Not only did you get some awesome scenery, but the backseat scenery is the best! ;)

    WW: Curriculum Fair Fun with YoYo's

  5. Great shots... beautiful view... I love the one with the dog sticking her nose out too!

  6. Wonderful shots! Love the scenery in the first one. Cute little back seater too!
