Monday, June 6, 2011

My Week in Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

1. This is the last week of school here which means it is also my last week of semi-sanity for awhile.  There will be fighting, there will be bickering and there will be revocations of privileges.  Just keepin' it real. Does anyone have a good cocktail recipe?  

2. Devin graduates from elementary school this coming Thursday morning. How did this happen? I must have blinked too long.

3. Saturday afternoon I found a little stuffed lion soaking wet and sitting in the freezer.  My first thought was WTH?  My second thought was, this is a little disturbing. And my third thought was, this has The Dracenator written all over it!  
I put the poor little thing outside in the 90 degree heat to dry it out and asked Dracen about it when he got home Saturday night.  He flashed me his Curious George grin and told me that he was only trying to make its hair stand up.  

Well, that makes sense.

4. Devin came out of his batting slump in his last game of the season last week and hit a home run but he never cracked a smile.  He takes after me in this regard...not the home run hitting part (Pleeasse!) but the getting excited only on the inside part.  

5. Dracen made it into the Best of the Best mile run at school last Friday morning.  All that running from his brother has apparently paid off. 

6. I got a new laptop Saturday so now I don't have to hold my mouth just right and cock my head to the side to prevent the computer and myself from coming unplugged, shutting down and proceeding to throw around various substitutions for certain four letter words.  

7. I've started making my turkey sandwiches with whole wheat English muffins.  It's really good.  You should try it.  

8. I read that one of my quirks is considered an actual medical condition with a name... Involuntary Expression Disorder.  Well, that makes me feel better to know that I have an actual condition and am not just psycho for laughing when my child is screaming like a banshee and having to be held down by myself and three medical personnel in order to get a few immunizations.  Ha!  

After reading the description though, I have to say I am a mild case. I usually only laugh uncontrollably when I'm nervous and/or embarrassed, as opposed to when I'm giving my condolences at the funeral home.  Now that is psycho.  

9. I was informed last week during my time at second grade field day that next year our school board members have made the executive decision to move our school start time up from 7:50 a.m. to 7:35 a.m.  Have I mentioned that we are NOT morning people?!  

This is so not good and really and truly makes me want to go all gorilla on somebody!  

10. I stole that "go all gorilla" line from the Yogi Bear movie we rented Saturday.   But I would not recommend renting it based on that line alone because for the most part, it was straight up cheesy.

11. I pulled the boys' old baby shoes out of my closet and cried a little.  Growing up is bittersweet...


  1. LOVE the lion in the freezer story. Thanks for the laugh.

  2. I have that nervous laughter thing going on here too. I always felt so bad about that!

    Those boys are really cute in the photos!

  3. I hope you stay somewhat sane during the holidays. It's about 3 months, isn't it? We have 6 weeks over Summer /Christmas here and that's the longest break from school.

    If school starts at 7.35 how long does it go for? I can't imagine school starting that early. We are not mornign people either. I struggle to get Girl to school by 9!

    Great news on the boys doing well at their sports.

  4. Wow! I had no idea that was an actual disorder. I feel better now, I do the same thing. Just this evening my daughter ran into the corner of the doorway and I started to laugh, even though I was concerned. I hate when I do it because, I'm sure people think I'm crazy.
    Sorry about school starting so early, yuck! We leave our house at 7:30am to get to school.:(

  5. Awww, you cried!
    And I have to say, I think I'd kind of dig finding a stuffed lion in the freezer! Funny and cute!

  6. Awww, you cried!
    And I have to say, I think I'd kind of dig finding a stuffed lion in the freezer! Funny and cute!

  7. We're in our 2nd full week of summer:) BB camp in the AM. VBS at night.

    I think I have that condition,too. But, it usually only happens with my husband getting hurt. He does not appreciate that!

  8. I am still cracking up over the lion in the freezer - total creativity! :)

  9. AWW those shoes... I haven't looked at my kids' baby shoes in forever. sniff sniff...

    We had a tiger go through the wash and lose his stripes. Thank goodness for black sharpies!

  10. I had a neighbor years ago that would laugh when she was nervous.

    Cute story about the lion! Typical boy.

  11. I had a neighbor years ago that would laugh when she was nervous.

    Cute story about the lion! Typical boy.

  12. When my boys were younger I was always torn between loving the end of the school year and hating it. Summer meant no more homework and morning rush hassles. But the noise level in the house. Yikes. And I hated giving up my few hours of freedom that I had when the boys were in school every day. Oh well, those days are over for me now. The youngest just graduated high school!
