Monday, August 1, 2011

Being Still a Minute...

This poor little blog has been seriously neglected for the past week and a half but what with the four day beach trip last week and my newly discovered love for painting old furniture and trying to keep from having a heat stroke in this 100 degree heat we've been having, I just haven't taken the time to sit down here and be still a minute...

Saturday I painted and distressed a wooden bench in my kitchen that I scored at a thrift store last year and I could not be happier with how it turned out.  So now I've moved on to painting my old childhood dresser that came home with me from my mom's house several months ago and has been taking up residence in my master bathroom.

I promise to show y'all some pics later in the week but today I thought I'd just stop in here a minute and share some awesome quotes I've pinned onto my wonderful words board over at Pinterest...

Y'all have  great day!   


  1. Ohhh, thank you for sharing these! I absolutely LOVE #1 and #4!!!

    Have a great day! :)

  2. Oh great quotes!
    Thank you so much for the lift today:)


  3. Especially digging the last quote!

  4. I especially love the one about waking up with only the things you thanked God for the night prior. Wow!

  5. Enjoy your time! That's what summer is about. The rest of us will be here when school is back

  6. Thanks for the quotes; some I've heard, and some were new ones. The one about waking up with only the blessings you thanked God for yesterday is an eye-opener for sure!

    I may be e-mailing you for some tips on distressing furniture in the near future...

  7. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these quotes. Thank you for sharing. A few eye openers for sure, for me.

    Can't wait to see your furniture photos.

  8. you pin such thoughtful things. I pin such dorky, inappropriate things! Those are beautiful. Love. And pix of those newly painted items, please!

  9. These are wonderful! Learning to ignore things was a tough lesson for me to learn.
