Friday, September 16, 2011

Furniture Friday...The Desk

In lieu of Fancy Friday today, I bring you Furniture Friday. I've painted a number of things around here since the nightstand I showed  y'all a couple of weeks ago. Remember?  The one from Charlie's old 1970's bedroom set that came out looking a tad bit more feminine in that lovely shade of Paris Grey than I would have liked for a twelve year old boy's room? 

But the piece I chose to show you here today and the one I think I am most proud of thus far is the desk and chair that went along with that nightstand which, by the way, ended up in our room instead of Devin's room.  He has a couple of oak pieces in there now that belonged to my grandmother but this desk definitely says "Boy's Room" to me!    

Whatcha think?  


Big improvement, I say.  I used Annie Sloan chalk paint again... Graphite for the outside and Emperor's Silk for inside the drawers before waxing with clear and dark wax and replacing the hardware with some inexpensive knobs from Lowe's. Oh, and I recovered the chair with some upholstery fabric I found on etsy. Don't you just love etsy?  

I am so in love with ASCP.  That stuff is tha bomb!  Does anyone actually say that anymore?  Probably not but you catch my drift, right? Yeah, I don't think anybody says that anymore either, do they?...Catch my drift?   What is it the boys say now? Oh yeah, I  remember...Sick!  That stuff is sick!  And that's a really, really good thing...I think.  

Anyhoo, there it is.  I'm running out of things to paint around here so I'm gonna have to hit some garage sales (yeah right, like I'd really get up with the roosters on a Saturday morning!) or the Goodwill or something.  

Oh and one more thing... About that big glob of something another I found underneath that piece of poster board and duct tape in the drawer of that old nightstand that I did not know how long had been there or what on God's green earth it was? Charlie remembered it.  Turns out it was from his youth and it was, get this... wart remover that he had put in there with a loose lid and it spilled so he just covered that hot mess right up!  Nothing a little poster board and duct tape can't fix, right?  NO!  Forget I said that.  

Happy Friday, Y'all!  

**Linking this post up over at Miss Mustard Seed's for Furniture Feature Friday.   

Furniture Feature Fridays



  1. I am so impressed!

    Charlie's confession makes me want to go through each of my boys drawers to make sure they haven't done something similar. LOL

  2. How about 'it's wicked'? I have a friend in Boston who uses that one.

    Really, though, I love the desk!

  3. I love the deep gray. The fabric is such fun!

  4. So nice!

    And Betsy... the phrase is "wicked awesome"


  5. Wow! Amazing job with the desk. It looks so hip and modern now. Looking at the "before" picture I never would have thought that desk could be transformed into something so sleek. I'm so impressed!

  6. It turned out great! I always go for navy for the boys room. I like the slate!

  7. Wart remover? Ack!!!!

    I love the new look. I especially love the fabric on the seat.
