And speaking of his brother... Since he is in middle school this year they are on completely different schedules with everything, including picture day. I interrogated him about it last week and he informed me that his was coming up and he already had the form in his locker at school. You have to pay up front. And whether they smile, frown, or stick their tongues out I am going to have me a picture to document every year of their K through 12 public school educations.
Wednesday morning I just happened to see on facebook that picture day was the next day so I went straight to the refrigerator and made a note with my big arse mom Sharpie so I would not forget. And I did not forget.
"Devin, I saw on facebook (he always cringes when he hears those words come out of my mouth) that picture day is tomorrow. Where is your form?"
"In my binder", he replied. "Well, where exactly is your binder?" I snapped back.
And he gives me the saucer eyes and the Ohhh crap, I'm in deep horse doo doo now! look and says, ever so sheepishly, "In my locker. At school."
I threatened to revoke his electronic privileges if he did not phone, text, or facebook a friend to find out some information about who was taking those pictures. I had to then remind him two more times to do this but what with all my other mom duties around here, I completely forgot to question him a third time until after he was in bed.
Yesterday morning I questioned him a final time and of course he had not found out anything at all about the pictures. "Nobody else is buying any!" was the answer I got. "Since when do I care what everybody else is doing?!" I shot back. "I WANT A PICTURE...AN 8 BY 10 TO GO ON THE WALL TO REPLACE THE ONE FROM LAST YEAR!"
So I did what any good mother would do. I put on my best house shoes, rolled my hair up tight in rollers, drove to the school and walked with him to his locker (talking and waving to everyone we passed along the way) to get that form filled out.
And if you believe that, then you don't know me at all.
Oh how I wish I had that kind of gumption and lack of shame in my game.
No. Instead I gave him the same amount of money I paid for Dracen's package (assuming it was most likely the same company) and told him that if he did not fill out that form, put that money in it and hand it to that photographer then he could kiss his modern day technological conveniences goodbye. So he did it. But not without informing me that he was the only one in two classes with picture money.
Their parents probably didn't get the memo. Facebook stalking does has its advantages.
And no, he did not wear anything special. I learned a long time ago that we have to choose our battles when it comes to parenting a stubborn child (26 hours of labor followed by a c-section because he just refused to come out). I noticed as I was handing him the money and laying down the law that he was wearing an almost identical American Eagle t-shirt to the one he wore in his picture last year. The biggest difference was the letters. The ones last year were flat and these were embroidered. Or something kinda like it.
Anyway, I did not mean to get off on a mom rant this morning. I really came here to talk about fashion and such. And while I would not wear a shirt with giant letters spelling AMERICAN EAGLE across the front, I would wear this cabled sweater with "American Eagle" on the label inside that is looking very cozy to me this morning since it is a chilly 37 degrees here. Brr!
So is this...
Faux shearling coat by Coldwater Creek.
Turquoise Mosaic Ring
Every once in awhile I'll stumble upon a ring that I think I could fully get on board and commit to wearing on a regular basis on my right hand. And this is one of those rings.
Cooperative Suede Cap Toe Skimmer
I really have no idea what is meant by a "cooperative" shoe but I just thought these were too cute for words. Not that I go around saying things like "too cute for words" but you know...
Asymmetrical Cashmere Sweater
I love this, especially in camel...
TOKYOBay Century Cuff Watch
Garnet Hill says this watch was made for the "urbanite at heart". Well, I can assure you I am not one of those but I still love this watch.
Tropical Sunset Earrings
I just thought these looked happy.
Winnie Satchel by Imoshion
I saw this in a magazine (can't remember which one) and think I could see myself getting really attached to it. Comes in three colors.
Journey's End Beige Purse Melie Bianco
I'm really feeling the vibe this one is throwing off too.
Falling Leaves Pendant Necklace Set
How very fallish!
Cowl Neck Top by Mystree
I love everything about this.
Talgarth Pencil Skirt
I see this with some tights and a pair of chunky heels.
And speaking of heels...
Strappy Mary Jane
There is just something about a mary jane that sucks me in every time and this pair is no exception. They also come in brown.
AEO IKAT Loop Scarf
I think this scarf is just as equally happy as those tropical sunset earrings up there.
Hope y'all have a Happy Friday! I think we're gonna head up the mountain sometime this weekend to see if there are any leaves still on the trees up there. Our big oaks in the yard are still mostly green!

School uniforms have their advantages, picture day seems to be one of them.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for the past several years keeping track of the date has been very simple for us: pictures have been taken on the first day of school all the way through MS.
I think it is crazy you have to pay for the pictures before you see them. They have started doing that at my daughters school. My husband had a fit about it, so I did not get pictures this year. We live in Dawsonville GA, and the leaves are really turning here now. It is so pretty this time of year.
ReplyDeleteLast nite we found out that there are only 2 tables left at the little ones concert in a couple weeks and today was the last day to buy them. We never knew the date nor they were selling seats.
ReplyDeleteFacebook failed us.
We had there girls that couldnt wait till picture day and one boy that abhored it.
LOVE the mary janes!
ReplyDeleteAnd as for picture day, Oldest is all in. Youngest, not so much.
I'm letting it go. Even if that means drawing a smiley face in his "grade 5" picture spot next year.
The only time I bravely went to the middle school was for Cameron's lack of compliance in his social studies class. I sat in the back crocheting all period for a week. His behavior improved. I only wish I would have thought to wear curls and a robe. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteI love the cable knit and those Mary Janes!
ReplyDeleteAs for your son's school pictures, I think Marshall wore a black t-shirt for about 3 years in a row to have his school pictures taken. And I'm not kidding..... But, like you said, you pick your battles! I bet the other moms will be upset they don't have school pictures!
Good FB stalking!
We did not order school pictures this year. We are having our photos done tomorrow. So, we decided to save our 16$ each and purchase a nice photo. My kids were so relieved. They hate their chapel clothes and that's what their frames in the prime location of our dining room.
ReplyDeleteLove the clothes! J (7rs) was standing and ohhing and ahhing over my shoulder.
I have totally given up on school pictures. After reading your post though... I am starting to regret not having those chronological pics up on the wall for posterity. Good job!
ReplyDeleteOut of my three girls, I have one of those kids. She is now in college and I don't think I knew even half of the things that went on in school, because I never got the memo.
ReplyDeleteAnd she's still just as scattered. Smart girl when it comes to the books, but in the last month, she's lost her license, her wallet, (yes, at separate times), her phone and last night, it was her keys. Luckily, every one of those items was eventually recovered, except for the phone. I wish you all the luck in the world.
And i love your wardrobe selections, there, especially that necklace. Oh and I too, love my Mary Janes with heels. I cannot pass them up. I go weak in the knees when I see them. Needless to say, I have quite a few in various colors.
I love those earrings. The colors make them very versatile.