Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday...


Joining in with Amber today for another edition of Hey, It's Okay Tuesday! 

Hey, It's Okay... 

~To feel a little annoyed when you want to respond to a comment/question someone left on your blog but can't because they are a "no reply blogger".  Check  your blogger profile.  Go to "edit profile" and check that little box that says "show my email address".  Please?  Pretty please? I've never gotten any spam from it.  The only spam I get on blogger comes in the form of comments and goes right into the spam folder.

~To like a little coffee with your flavored creamer. 

~To feel like you lost a good friend when one of your shows ends for the season.  I miss Breaking Bad!  

~To want to roll your eyes when you hear/see things like "Fall Festival" when it is being held on Halloween, there are costumes being worn and candy handed out.  Sounds an awful lot like HALLOWEEN to me.

~To wish your neighbors wouldn't spread manure all over their yards so often.  We can smell that over here.  

~To miss the days of real trick or treating.... When people actually stayed home and the kids went door to door in their neighborhoods for their junk instead of having to be driven somewhere else for a "Fall Festival".

~To think Lady Gaga is a freak on a leash but to still really love her music.

~To feel like you ran a marathon after spending your entire Saturday organizing your closet.  And to lie to yourself by proclaiming that  you are really and truly going to keep it that way forever this time.

~To really be looking forward to "falling back" on November 6th because although it will get dark earlier in the evenings at least it won't be pitch black outside when you try to drag your groggy butt outta bed when the alarm goes off at 6:30 in the mornings and to hope that maybe, just maybe, you won't have to hit snooze three times before actually doing it.

~To have sent your eight year old to school this morning with messy, gelled and sprayed hair while sporting eye makeup and a shirt you wrote "Loded Diper" on with a Sharpie. He was supposed to dress like a favorite book character and I thought the Wimpy Kid's older brother, Rodrick, would be more obvious than the Wimpy Kid himself.  

Happy Tuesday!

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  1. That picture it hilarious! I totally agree about the Fall Festival thing. This year school and church wants us to purchase arm bands! Ugh!

    I'll be at the Fall Festival Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. I really don't like all the candy my kids get.

  2. Our neighborhood still does the old school Trick or Treating. We stay home and hand out candy. My husband and daughter dress up and our front yard is already decorated! :o) Oh, my hubby also carves pumpkins, like really cool pumpkins.

    I'm SO ready to Fall Back! I want my hour back!!!

    Cute kid! Love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

  3. I love the photo!

    I can't tell you how often I've replied to those no reply bloggers and don't realize it until after I've hit send. Oops.

  4. I love his costume, and like you, I miss how Halloween used to be too. The high school has trunk or treat and they just walk from car to car! And the way they've changed the names of the parties to fall festivals or the "harvest" party is just so silly.

  5. We still do Halloween around the neighborhood here... my girl loves to go out with her friend and they hit every house.... I do get annoyed with the "Fall Festival" term... but lets not get into that discussion :-)

    Stopping by from Airing My Dirty Laundry... glad I found you ;-)

  6. LOL! So funny! Love that picture!

  7. My kids didn't want to go this year, so we are staying home. We live on a quiet dead end street, and will be getting exactly 9 kids for trick or treat. So this year, instead of leaving the candy on the door step like always, I am making real Halloween goodies, candy apples, popcorn balls, chocolate covered apples, etc. My door will be open for the kids to come in, watch a little "Nighmare before Christmas", and no one will think it's creepy because we know them all.

    I. Am. So. Excited!

  8. Love the costume! What a clever boy!
