Monday, October 24, 2011

A Sunday Drive...

Yesterday we headed up the mountain for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Our timing was a little late again since many of the leaves have already left the trees up there but I think we still got some pretty good shots...

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.  ~George Washington Carver

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.  ~John Muir

How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!  ~Emily Dickinson

As you sit on the hillside, or lie prone under the trees of the forest, or sprawl wet-legged by a mountain stream, the great door, that does not look like a door, opens.  ~Stephen Graham

How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!  ~John Muir

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.  ~Eleonora Duse

I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.  ~Stanley Horowitz
We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in it.  ~George Eliot

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  ~Gilda Radner
I talk to him when I'm lonesome like; and I'm sure he understands.  When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat.  For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that.  ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth

My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.  ~Aldous Huxley

*Linking this post up for Anything Autumn with Jenny Matlock!

Jenny Matlock

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  1. Absolutely gorgeous! I noticed last Monday when I was driving through the mountains that the color was juuuuuust passing the peak, and yesterday when I was driving back through the mountains, I noticed that it was definitely past the peak. But I love those wide panoramic views.

    And seriously, girl. How beautiful are you?

  2. Great photos. I hope it was a relaxing family day.

  3. I am just a little jealous. Okay, maybe a lot jealous. I would love it if I could visit the Blue Ridge Parkway for a Sunday drive. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for this little glimpse of fall in NC.

  4. I took my girls up the the Parkway last year. It was gorgeous.

  5. We did family pictures around campus, yesterday. It was so pretty out.

    I love your hair!

  6. Great shots! The leaves look so different down here compared to up north. My parents were over your way when they came down this summer; went exploring up the Blue Ridge.

  7. The Blue Ridge Parkway is such a gorgeous place to view autumn colour.

  8. What an adorable dog--she seems to be smiling in that last one:)

  9. First visit here...and so impressed with your sweet attitude. Love the photos too:)

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed the autumn tour you took us on!

    Esther Joy

  11. Such wonderful photos! I always loved that drive when we lived back east. I know you had a wonderful and peaceful time.

  12. Love your quotes...the one by Eleanora Duse has long been a favorite.

    Thank you for the photos...I grew up in Virginia & seeing those old rolling mountaintops brought back a lot of memories. It has been too many years...

  13. What beautiful colored photo's. Beautiful country.

  14. What wonderful quotes! What amazing photos! It looks like you had a terrific outing!

  15. I'd say you caught some excellent fall colors...we never really got them quite that lovely here this year, and then when they were about ready to burst in color the winds carried them away! What a beautiful day you spent...treasure all your blessings!

  16. Wonderful photos, with just the right quotes to match! (And enhance...)


  17. Nice photos. I especially liked the first one. I can see why they call them the Blue Ridge mountains.

  18. Even just past their peak, there are some beautiful colours. I especially love the third photo with the sun shining through the leaves, It is so vibrant!

    What a gorgeous family you have too :)

  19. Oh Diane, bless your heart.

    This was a wonderful post and I loved seeing your beautiful, smiling face and your sweet family - two legged and four!

    I've not been on that parkway in years and years and I very much need to change that.

    What a glorious drive!

    Thanks for letting me tag along!

    And thanks for linking to Fall Break!

