Five Things You May Not Know About Me...
1. My hair fell out when I was a baby and it didn't grow back until I was almost two years old. My parents and grandmother got really tired of people calling me a boy... Apparently they did so even when I was wearing a dress!
It was starting to come back in here. I now have a head full of very thick hair though my dad, on the other hand, went in the opposite direction...
2. I have Thalassemia Minor that I did not find out I had until I was pregnant with my second baby. I was always told I was iron deficient when that was not the case. I'm basically a carrier of Thalassemia, a blood disorder that is life threatening if you actually have the Major version. Turns out my dad has it too and so do both my boys. About half of our red blood cells are normal and the other half are abnormal. Physical endurance can be challenging.
3. I didn't go to kindergarten because I was so shy and it was optional back then.
4. Anytime I have to have more than a vial or two of blood drawn, I get very lightheaded, begin to hear ringing in my ears and come within an inch of passing out though I have never actually gone through with it...the passing out, I mean.
5. I have two creases where my arm bends. Well, there's the one where it bends like everyone else has but then there is an extra one below it. I had never met anyone else who has this extra crease until Dracen came along. He has it too though his is not as defined.
Five Things I'm Knowledgeable About...
1. Dachshunds. Surprise! There's not much I don't know about those beloved little long dogs.
2. Arranging flowers. I was, after all, a florist for four years and it's just one of those things that came easy and has stuck with me.
3. Movies from the late 80s/early 90s. There are very few of them I have not seen and I have been known to quote lines from many of them at random.
4. Online dating. I had it down to a science when I met Charlie.
5. The stages of grief.
Five Things I Know Nothing About...
1. Operating heavy machinery. I mean, you know, other than a car.
2. How it feels to get all pumped up about watching a football game on t.v.... or a basketball game, or a hockey game or any other kind of game, aside from baseball. I did go through an obsessive stage about the Atlanta Braves one summer when I was a kid but it mainly had to do with a major crush on one of the players.
3. Why all boys and men too (though they don't all admit it) love to pee outside so much. I just don't get it and am quite sure I never will.
4. Faking it. I've never been good at hiding my feelings or pretending everything is perfectly fine when it's perfectly not.
5. Rocket science.
Five Things I Believe...
1. That words can be powerful but actions speak volumes.
2. Life is comprised of a little bit of luck and a whole lot of what you choose to do with it.
3. Gaining knowledge of something is the best way to conquer a fear of it.
4. Worrying will get you nowhere but it is pretty near impossible to stop, especially after you become a mother.
5. All dogs go to heaven. :)
Got this idea from the Writer's Workshop at Mama' Losin It!
Also linking to Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday!