This thoroughly frustrates the Darling wieners since they'd prefer me to sit in one place all day long. If I'm not sitting still they are on my heels. But this all becomes a little difficult for them when I'm in the middle of a jumping jack session.
Anyway, I got off the subject totally. I was talking about New Year's resolutions and the fact that I don't make them and that therefore, this, my last post of the year 2011 will not be about all the ways I'm going to improve upon myself in the coming year. Nope. Instead I think I'll share a photo from each month of what has shaped up to be a pretty good year here in my little corner of the world...
Here we have Big Boy and Li'l Bit squirrel watching in the sunroom after their visit from the mobile pet groomer.
And here we have that squirrel I named Tuesday because it seemed to show up every Tuesday for a few weeks and terrorize the wieners on the other side of the sunroom windows.
The days were getting longer and warmer as the first signs of spring began popping up around the house. I love this shot of the sunbeams shining down on the daffodils and my little angel Dachshund that memorializes my little Dachsies in heaven.
This was a big month for us....Easter, our road trip to Virginia, baseball for the boys, and I turned the big 40! There were so many great photos from this month so I just picked one that I don't think I shared here. It was taken on Easter morning and while it is certainly not a picture perfect shot, I think the looks on the boys' faces pretty much sum up our reality and while I was frustrated that day, I'm already seeing the humor in it now!
I know I've shared this photo before but I just love it. It was taken at the North Carolina Wiener Roast in Jamestown. Li'l Bit was working it big time and soaking up all that attention from all those Dachshund lovers. And it also reminds me of how Charlie always says he never thought he could love a little dog so much and how he used to make fun of men who carried around little dogs. He's eatin' those words!
It seems I didn't take many pictures in the month of June. The one I chose here is of Dracen on award's day in his second grade classroom on the last day of school. He was highly upset that he did not get one of the awards he thought he deserved and is telling his friend all about it. We had us a good talk about humility and sportsmanship on the way home.
July was another busy month for us around here with our trip to the mountains over the Fourth and the boys' birthdays on the 17th and 18th. This one was taken on our hike to the top of Mount Mitchell on July 4th. My boys and my dogs... :)
This was another big photo month with the weekend beach trip and the trip Charlie and I took to Maine. But I chose a picture from an ordinary day. Dracen began trying on hats while wearing nothing but his blue jeans one night and asking me to take pictures of him. I just thought this one was hilarious. But I realize this may just be one of those things where you just had to be there.
This was taken through the glass door in the kitchen. I just looked out and saw him sitting there with that baseball with the saddest little look on his face, like he wanted someone to play with him. But he wouldn't fetch a ball if his very life depended on it...Unless it was being carried by a squirrel.
Of all the great photos I could have chosen from this month, I chose this one that I took at my mother's house one Sunday afternoon because, Look!...Is that a hint of a smile? I think it is...It really is!
I got a lot of really good shots on this November day and shared many of them here. I shared a similar shot of Dracen and Brisco but not this particular one. There's just something extra special about a boy, a dog and the perfect fall day...
And finally, our 2011 Christmas tree in all her glory.
And thanks to all of you who come here and read my words each week. This blogging thing would be a whole lot less fun without you.
See ya next year!

Your tree is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year:)
I loved seeing all your photos from the year. Isn't it wonderful to go back and relive the year in pictures?
ReplyDeleteThey're all great, but the March picture is gorgeous.
Being the mom of a son, I can relate to those boyhood pics!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Love all the photos Diane. Wishing you guys a Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing. I have enjoyed reading your blog this year.
ReplyDeleteIs nice to find another NC'er on here.
Hope your New Years Eve is special.
The August photo is my favorite. It made me giggle.
ReplyDeleteI actually achieved my resolution from last year! This is a first. I have a post for Monday about what I'd like to do this year... more goals than resolutions!
I love the idea of the year in Photos! Fabulous!
ReplyDeleteThis year I have made two resolutions...
Check my oil once a month and
Buy two things a month that are made in the USA instead of some place else.
It's my own secret ploy to keep my car running and create jobs. :)
the cowboy shot kills me.
Happy New Years!!! All the best in 2012