Saturday, January 21, 2012

Squirrel Appreciation Day?

I had no idea today was Squirrel Appreciation Day until I saw a post from Animal Planet on facebook this morning.  I didn't even know there was a such thing as Squirrel Appreciation Day and I'm guessing none of y'all did either. 

Well, according to Animal Planet there is and it is today, January 21st, and it was started by a wildlife rehabilitator from Asheville, North Carolina (which is just about an hour and a half drive from me) in 2001.  

You learn something new every day!  

Anyway, since it is indeed the day to honor these cute little tree rats (and also because this was a good excuse for me to take another break from cleaning house),  I'm sharing my most recent photo of the Darlings ''appreciating" the one who feasts daily on the berries of the holly tree beside my bedroom window...

Happy Squirrel Day! ;)

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  1. Lol I did not know it was Squirrel Day. That picture of your dogs cracked me up.

  2. My cat is afraid of squirrels...go figure!

  3. Squirrel Appreciation Day? That's proof there's a celebration for everything! (My husband will be so excited to know this--he loves squirrels!)

  4. I enjoy watching the squirrels. Love seeing them chase each other thru the trees. They are the ultimate tree planters. However this year they got really nasty and ate our mums and our jack-o-lanterns. They also gnawed thru our gutter caps and ate the bird feeder. I,m waiting for squirrel stew appreciation day.

  5. It is so cute to see your dogs on watch at the window!!! I don't get squirrels here, but I sure did enjoy all their scampering at my last house!

  6. Adorable pictures. That is news to me, that squirrels can get their own holiday. Blessings.

  7. I love, love, love the picture of the squirrel outside the window! Those little puppies and the bright red hollies... so pretty!
