Monday, February 13, 2012

A Few Things I'm Loving Right Now...

This Wonder Woman mug I scored at TJMaxx a few weeks ago. I'm so not a morning person but I can't help but smile (at least on the inside) when I stumble into the kitchen at dark thirty in the mornings and see it waiting for me.  

The Clarisonic Mia facial brush.  I kept hearing all these great things about it so I finally bought myself one about a month ago and love it!  It leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth, almost like I've just had a facial. 

The Fifty Shades Trilogy by E L James that I'm currently reading on my Kindle.  I finished the first one, Fifty Shades of Grey, on Saturday and am already over halfway through the second one, Fifty Shades Darker. Very intriguing.  It reminds me of Twilight, only it's the adult version...minus the vampires and werewolves. 

Revenge on ABC.  I really did not expect to like this show starring Emily VanCamp from Brothers and Sisters, one of my favorite shows that I was upset to see cancelled last year, but I was immediately sucked in and addicted after watching the very first episode.

 Zone Perfect chocolate peanut butter bars.  I discovered these a couple of years ago but have been eating a lot more of them lately, since becoming a vegetarian.  They are one of the best tasting nutrition bars I've found and are high in protein.
Black bean burgers.  I had never even tried one before starting this vegetarian thing and was really surprised at how tasty they are.  I've made them twice already.  The first time I strictly followed this recipe but when I made them last week, I looked at a few different ones and just kinda winged it. The most amazing thing is, the boys like them! 

Kerastase Leave-in Treatment by L'Oreal for controlling "dry and rebellious hair".  I definitely have some rebellious hair and this stuff works wonders for controlling its frizz and volume.  
These hilarious e-cards people make and pin on Pinterest because I swear, it's like they were in my head when they made them...

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  1. I really like the last card. Seems some folks live lives just to post what happened.

  2. The cards are hilarious. Thanks for the Monday morning laugh! Also the black bean burger looks tasty.

  3. i am head over heels in love with those cards. They crack me up!
    And the bean burger...ZOMG...I want to marry it.

  4. I'm going to try that kerastase treatment for SURE!

    Love the card about Lent!

  5. Oh, I'm an 80's gal, so I can definitely relate to the one about knowing the lyrics to all the 80's songs...that's ME!

  6. Yea, the last card... that's the one. What I really need is the T-shirt that says "Careful, or you'll end up in my blog"

    MY blog, which by the way, Google Chrome has taken over and published with easy access, ALL of the photos on my blog. Used to be that you couldn't find it through a search.



    Wonder woman is the best.

    That is all.

  7. I want you to know that I just down loaded the book on my kindle based off your reference. :)

    It's like a virtual book club. :)
