Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Makes Everything Better!

I found out yesterday morning, after two and a half hours in the dentist's chair, that the only thing worse than having a root canal on a tooth?  Is having the permanent crown removed from said tooth because although the x-ray showed no problem, it clearly just wasn't doing right by me or the poor gum tissue surrounding it.  


I had no idea that "permanent" crown really does mean permanent, as in that sucker ain't coming out without a fight.  My dentist, agreeing that something just wasn't right with the way it was fitting, decided to replace it for me free of charge since I only got it a few months ago and when you fork over that kind of dough (no dental insurance here) for something, it darn well needs to be right!  

Seriously. I could have bought a new wardrobe for what I paid for that tiny little piece of porcelain.  That tiny little piece of porcelain that had to be cut in half with a jackhammer and a buzz saw before it finally came out of my mouth.  At least that's what it sounded like from where I was sitting.  It has now, once again, been replaced with a temporary crown as I await my next royal crowning ceremony next month when my new one is set to arrive.

And I won't even get into the situation with the neighboring tooth that had to have a filling taken out in order to fix a cavity that had developed underneath it. Yeah.  Fun times, y'all. Fun, fun times.  I was numb for a good four and a half hours yesterday afternoon and my gums around those teeth are pissed with a capital P.  

I spent today laying low around the house and doing a major purge of my drawers and closet.  I filled five trash bags with clothes that are now Salvation Army bound. I was beginning to feel a little hoarder-like when I tried to find something to wear or put away my laundry.  And I figured that if I hadn't worn it in five years?  It was pretty much dead to me.  

With the exception of my Guess jean jacket I got for Christmas in the tenth grade, 1986.  I'm not even sure what it is about that jacket exactly.  It's not like I wear it that much anymore, rarely ever really, but it is still in remarkable condition and the best thing is it still fits...something I wore in high school, besides earrings, still fits me and that my friends, is why that Guess jean jacket will have to be pried from my cold, dead fingers before it gets chunked into the Salvation Army bag.  

I did manage to mosey outside for a few minutes with Dracen and Li'l Bit this afternoon because the breathtaking beauty of the blooming trees and shrubs in the yard were summoning me in a powerful way and I know, what with the exceptionally warm temperatures we've been having, that they will be all bloomed out before I can blink twice.

Here's  a little sample of what I managed to capture...
Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.
—Edgar Guest
It's spring fever.  
That is what the name of it is.
  And when you've got it, you want -
 Oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just
 fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!  ~Mark Twain 

Spring has returned.  The Earth is like a child that knows poems.  ~Rainer Maria Rilke 

Fame is a bee.
It has a song—
It has a sting—
Ah, too, it has a wing.
~Emily Dickinson
Everything is blooming most recklessly; 
if it were voices instead of colors, 
there would be 
an unbelievable shrieking 
into the heart of the night.
  ~Rainer Maria Rilke 

The force of Spring—
powerful beyond measure.

~Michael Garofalo

The earth laughs in flowers. ~E.E. Cummings
I thank God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees & for the blue dreams of sky & for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
E.E. Cummings 

Happy Spring!

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  1. Gorgeous photos Diane. Wow!!!! I hate going to the dentist :-( I also hate spending the money for a crown. I am giving you award at my blog here is the link

  2. Aint the Cherry trees gorgeous this year? They are going crazy here.

    We just paid to have a Crown put on my daughters tooth only to have it drilled hours later for a root canal. Ticked me off.

  3. Wow do you ever have a lot of beauty outside your home! Gorgeous!!!

    So sorry about your teeth issues. That sounds just nightmarish!

  4. Sorry about all the dental drama. But boy you do spring justice with your lovely photography. Lovely poetry you chose with it too!!!

  5. Wow! What an ordeal at the dentist! It sounds painful!

    The trees near your house are amazingly beautiful!

  6. Those photos are breathtaking and made my day :)

    Sorry for all your dental drama. I don't mind going to the dentist but the horrendous sounds of their instruments drive me insane.

  7. I hate all things teeth related. I really do. Ack.
    I almost had to get mind redone too. But I got a second opinion since it wasn't bothering me and the Dentist laughed and said "Your other Dentist probably needed a payment for their car" joke.
    Those pictures are so soothing. Lovely spring.

  8. Beautiful photos and perfect quotes for each of them.
    Oh, and about that crown...? A few years ago, I had to have a root canal done THROUGH a permanent crown. I dread anything that involves a dentist (or in that case, an endodontist.)
    Good luck with the next crown! I'm getting one on April 2 on an implant.

  9. Fantastic photos. Just beautiful!

  10. Weird, but I just had a crown put on a tooth that previously had a root canal, while simultaneously having a filling put into the tooth next to it because there was a cavity "under" the filling! I smell a dental conspiracy.

    Gorgeous photos! I love spring flowers--lots of color seems to cheer everyone up.

  11. Yay for pretty flowers! Boo for painful dental work... ummm...I'm sort of heading your way for a flight down to see my parents... can I come shop in your trash bags??? Just kidding... sort of! ;-)

  12. It's nice to see those Spring pictures since it's so yucky at my house today.

    I need to be cleaning out some clothes, too!
