~I've been watching The Bachelorette, shamelessly this time because it's Emily and her story is so near and dear to my heart and she's from Charlotte where they are filming a lot of the show. I couldn't have turned away from this one if I tried. There were two separate incidences with two different guys, however, that took place on this week's show that left me shouting, "Emily! Girlfriend, what are you thinking giving this asshat a rose?!"
The first one was Ryan aka Mr. I'm-too-sexy-for-my-shirt. He actually had the nerve and audacity to tell Emily in front of her girlfriends in the park that if she got fat after they got married, he would still love her, he just wouldn't love up ON her. Umm...Next!
Then there was Kalon. Where oh where do I even begin with this guy? He had a helicopter drop him off on the lawn the night they were all introduced to Emily and made me cringe from the inside out when he crossed his sockless, loafer-wearing leg as he sat beside her this week and then proceeded to stop her midsentence and all but tell her to shut up while he finished saying his piece. Oh H. No!
Yet both these charmers are still standing.
She did have the good sense her mama gave her to send Mr. I-am-God's-gift-to-women-and-long-to-be-your-Latin-lover Allesandro home on the spot though when he told her through broken English that giving up his playboy lifestyle to become a husband to her and father to her daughter, Ricki, while he was willing to do it, would be a great compromise for him. Well, at least he was honest. Adios, Amigo!
I'm currently rooting for Arie and she already seems completely smitten with him.
~One more week of school left here. Part of me is ecstatic that I won't have to get up before the roosters crow five days a week but the biggest part of me is dreading like the plague the fighting/bickering that will surely ensue each and every day.
It will be a shorter summer break than normal, however, since our county decided we needed to start back the first week of August instead of the last, like all the other schools in North Carolina, and filed for an exemption to that law which was approved. Apparently, you can do that if your county missed a certain amount of days due to inclement weather in the past few years though we didn't miss a single one this year since we didn't see a single snowflake.
~Wednesday morning I finally got the permanent crown placed on tooth number 19, one of the two teeth I had to have a root canal on last year. It is so perfectly perfect,not to mention EXPENSIVE that it's almost a shame nobody except my dentist and her staff will likely ever catch a glimpse of it since it's a bottom left molar and I'm not one to make a habit of throwing my head back and talking and laughing with my entire mouth.
~When I was waiting at a stoplight to turn onto the highway this morning, the guy in the car in front of me had the nerve to throw some sort of wrapper out of his window when the light turned and he began to accelerate. I was so peeved that once I got on the highway, I got up beside him and gave him my best evil eye before speeding around him. He just looked at me like WTH? I don't think he had a clue why and just thought I was some crazy woman. It did make me feel better, but in hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest move. Litterbugs infuriate me though. Grr!!
Best things I found on Pinterest this week...
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This is so true! Drives me insane when their ears flip over. I must fix them immediately. The longhaired Dachsies aren't quite as bad about this as the smooths though. |
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Via I may have to do this for Dracen's teacher! |
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I think this is the best definition of Grief that I have ever read. So true. |
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A little dark humor but I've always been a Muppets fan as well as a big Dr. Seuss fan so I found this hysterical. |
And I think I'll end the randomness on that note...
Happy Friday, Y'all!