Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Fragments...Around the house

Mommy's Idea

~It is supposed to be over 100 degrees here for several days straight, starting today.  I am not pleased about this in the least. It is just not right to have those kinds of temperatures AND humidity both in one place. Where can I file a complaint?  


~I completed the painting of the deck rails yesterday morning after working on them for two days straight.  But only the first coat.  I may get around to the second coat sometime before Christmas.  


~Now I want new deck furniture since mine was purchased when Devin was in the womb and he's turning 13 in a couple of weeks.  I tried spray painting the chairs tan last year but ran out of paint after two chairs and now the two that I painted have green showing through on the arms and legs.  It ain't pretty.


~Charlie and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary yesterday.  We decided to go out for dinner Wednesday night though since the boys had cooked up a plan to spend the night with Momaw and Popaw that night so they could take them to the flea market yesterday morning. 


~Yesterday evening I was out back watering my plants when I thought I saw the front of Charlie's truck in the driveway so I went up there and stuck my head over the fence to see him fluffing out a big yellow bow on a giant Magnolia tree he had on the back of the trailer. I LOVE Magnolia trees and last year the boys bought me one of the small ones that we planted in the front yard. But this one is the full-sized kind that gets ginormous.  

We always try to stick with either the traditional or modern anniversary gifts and for four years the traditional is linen or flowers so I got a Magnolia tree and he got an Irish Linen shirt along with something else I ordered that didn't come in yet.  I can't wait to get my tree planted.  The root ball is so big though that it will take a tractor to plant it.  Our next door neighbor graciously offered to bring his tractor over when we get ready to plant it when he saw Charlie removing the trailer from the truck this morning.  

I'll post some pics when we get it planted...


~I had two old antique oil heaters in the basement at the old house for years and then they'd been sitting in the basement here since we moved into this house over two years ago.  Darin had come home with them from somewhere one day and had planned to eventually do something with them.  He was always finding stuff like that.  Anyway, I had to go down to the basement the other day (You have to go around to get in there since there are no steps into the house so I don't go in there much) when I saw them and decided it was high time I did something with them.  

One of them, that was all rusted out, I simply spray painted with some paint I had on hand and since I messed the paint up in a couple of places, just decided to go ahead and distress it a little.  I may decide to change it up a little later but here it is in the sunroom holding up a couple of books and my new rosemary plant.  

The other one was black and since I kind of like the look of it just the way it is, I sat it on the deck as a plant stand.  I just love old stuff!  


~I think I mentioned my Plumeria a couple of weeks ago and said I was going to post some pics of it soon.  This was another thing Darin bought back when I was pregnant with Devin.  We went to the Southern Spring Show in Charlotte and he bought this and another tropical plant (that one never grew very big) as nothing more than single stems/sticks.  I thought he was nuts but this Plumeria really took off.  

After Darin died, it sat in the basement where if it was lucky I'd pull it outside during the summer and then back in the basement in the winter.  I am pretty sure it has not bloomed in over nine years.  Until this year.  Since we moved here, I'd pull it in the sunroom in the winter and back out on the deck in the spring but this year I just never got around to moving it back out.  And wouldn't you know it?  It bloomed!  And it just keeps blooming.  I'm never moving it again. I only wish you could smell the sweet blooms through your screen...


I saw this pin the other day and thought it pretty much summed me up perfectly...
 Bwa Hahahaa!

Happy Friday! 

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  1. happy belated anniversary - i like dates in the middle of the week :)

    love those stands {planters? shelves?}

  2. Oh, that plumeria is gorgeous! I can't wait to have a magnolia tree of my own one day (I think it's a law to plant them if you live in SC haha). A belated happy anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary to you Two.

    I would have just thrown those heaters out. You have a good eye. They look awesome.

  4. what a sweet anniversary gift!!! I love trees so that would make me happy too!

    Now you've reminded me we need to stain our fence... dang it!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I love that Plumeria tree. So pretty!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Love the whole post. Loved it all. And I'm so jealous that I don't have magnolias or pretty flowering plants.

    I tend to kill them on sight. Marring Tony was the best thing that ever happened to our yard.

    Happy Anniversary!

  7. Hm, my 5th anniversary is July 8th. I wonder if I should angle for a hydrangea or two?

    Happy fourth! Love your photos.

  8. A belated anniversary to you. I hope you had a lovely date night.

  9. When you figure out where to file the complaint, let me know. I'm filing one, too! You cracked me up with comment about getting the second coat on sometime before Christmas. Maybe. That is sooo how things get done around here. :)

  10. I love magnolias. When I lived in Louisiana, I had an ancient, gigantic magnolia that gave shade to most of the backyard. I miss it.

  11. Jumpin' Jehosophat! It is 83 degrees at 9 am!

    You are really getting in the swing of things with your yard! I was worried about my vegetable garden while I was away, but between my neighbor and Lawn Boy, it looks great!

    Happy Anniversary!

  12. My friend uses little antique space heaters like that in her decor. She puts a coil of blinking orange Christmas lights inside the bottom of it and it looks like it's burning - - - Key-Ute!!!

  13. Happy belated anniversary!!

    It's been getting hot here too.

  14. Happy Belated Anniversary. If you figure out how to disperse the heat, I'm game to find out for sure!

  15. Happy Anniversary! Love the plant from Darin. How special!

    Magnolia leaves are so pretty and easy to decorate with.

    Stay cool! It's hot as hades here.
