1. Loud coffee sipping. There's just really no need, is there? I once worked in an office with this off-the-charts crazy guy who every.single.morning. would sit down in his cubicle, just on the other side of mine, with his piping hot cup of coffee and begin sipping it so loudly you could hear him on the other side of the office. I have never been a fan of mornings so it was pretty much daily that I felt the overwhelming urge to get up, walk around the wall to his desk and drop kick that mug right out of his hands. I can't hear loud coffee-sipping still today without thinking of him.
2. Sounds the boys make when they're bored or restless. These consist of very loud and obnoxious sounds from their mouths, tap-tap-tapping their foot or some inanimate object at the table, screaming at each other and their friends on XBox Live, and the shouting out of ridiculous words and phrases that make absolutely no sense at all. It's really a wonder I have even a thread of sanity left in me.
3. The neighbor's incessant leaf-blowing. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to work a leaf blower that dang much.
4. Buzzing from flies. A fly in the house makes me a little insane. They're nasty, they're annoying, they freak out my dogs, and I cannot get any peace and serenity whatsoever with a fly in the room which is why I have mastered the art of fly swatting.
5. The sound of drilling. Especially if the drill is in my mouth!
6. The clipping of toenails. I don't know what it is about this but it makes my skin crawl a little..
7. Alarm clocks. It doesn't really matter what sound it's making. If it's telling me to get up out of my cozy bed, I don't like it.
8. Nagging. I don't care who's doing the nagging or who is being nagged, I CAN'T STAND IT!
9. Music I don't like, especially in the car. My musical taste is usually quite diverse but if I don't like a particular song, I really don't like it. The boys and I are constantly at odds on this subject. They think I'm so old school for listening to "that 80s stuff".
10. Howard Stern's voice.