So I knew I'd have no trouble at all with this week's listicle topic...
10 Clues That You Are Living In The Year 2012
1. You bought an old rotary phone at an antiques shop and had to give your kids a tutorial on how to use it because they had no idea what it was.
2. You buy and read books with a single delicate tap of your fingertip.
3. Your teenager plays video games and chats with all his friends though not a one of those friends is physically present (thanks to XBox Live).
4. Your teenager won't allow you to photograph him because he's terrified you'll post an unflattering view of him on facebook.
5. You can't buy a pair of jeans without being asked for your email address, your zip code, your preferred customer card (most likely attached to your key ring) and if you'd like to save 20% today by opening a store credit card.
6. When you hear that someone 'went viral' you don't envision them hugging the porcelain throne.
7. You often catch yourself saying things like, "Well, when I was your age we had to go to this place called the library to look things up...kinda like the media center at your school."
8. You surf the net daily yet you don't live at the ocean nor do you fish or own a surfboard.
9. Your nine year old tells you he's locked out and you know this simply means he's forgotten his iPod touch password...again!
10. You know that if you don't tweet it, text it, email it, blog it, facebook it, Instagram it, pin it or post it to YouTube, then nobody is ever going to believe it really happened.

Ha, I especially love number 9! Being locked out for sure meant something worse when I was a kid!
ReplyDeleteThis is so true! JDaniel has trouble with closing windows he wants open. When he calls for me to open something, he means a computer window.
ReplyDeleteIt's so true that nothing is our own anymore. We share all of it!!!
ReplyDelete#5 - so true! I'm almost dread going to the checkout counter. My friend has an old rotary phone IN USE at her house (she has current phones, too) and she had to teach one of her son's friend's how to use it. So funny.
ReplyDeleteyup, very spot on.
ReplyDeleteHa, very true.
ReplyDeleteMy son will probably be getting an iPod Touch for Christmas. Just so he'll stop taking mine.
Your creativity and sense of humor both come shining through in your list! LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteLove it! I am so cruel...I make my son actually look words up in a dictionary. an actual paper dictionary. I'm half expecting lurking Encyclopedia Salesman to suddenly knock on my door.
ReplyDeleteDo they still do that?
Oh my goodness! Do you remember having to look up stuff on the card catolog?! Oh, the memories. Kids have no idea how good they have it now.
ReplyDeleteMy 8 year old locked himself out of his IPOD and I had to restore it to factory settings. He lost all his progress in his games. The price you have to pay for a forgotten password....
ReplyDeleteNumber 5! YES! Drives me bonkers. If I wanted to give my address, phone number and email address when purchasing something I would've bought it on line! SHEESH I just want MILK
ReplyDeleteI nodded through each one on your list. I remember a friend who got one of the first Blackberry saying that I was going to love it. Never, ever would have believed how addicting instant communication is.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I'm old enough to have nodded through the whole thing. LOL!
ReplyDeleteTo me, what we do with technology today is kinda scary. And I love it and hate it at the same time. I wish we could unplug more, the kids, huz and I. And I wish my kids knew a world without technology, like I did in the 70s. So glad I was a kid then.
ReplyDeleteTruth!!! it is a bit scary how much the world has changed in the last few decades.
ReplyDeleteI was just talking to a friend today about rotary phones! Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteNumber 6 made me lol. What a great list...I could relate to every. single. one!
I'll just take number 10 a step forward and saying if you don't do at least one of those things it might as well actually never have happened!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha these are so true!
ReplyDeleteYes, times sure have changed since we were kids, huh? I still recall winding our phone cord all through the house in attempt to have a "private" conversation. :)
ReplyDeleteTotally with you on it all. Oldest wants a lap top for Christmas... just another thing to keep us all apart while we're all sitting in the same room.
ReplyDelete#6 made me LOL! So true!
ReplyDeleteMy TV is from 1999. Not a flat screen or an IPad in this house and Mamma's IPods, which have never actually had music loaded on them, are collectibles! Although we do now have two laptops since I bought anew one and then got mine fixed and The Boy has an IPod Touch!