Dracen's voice broke through,snapping me out of my sleep stupor: "Moommm!"
Then Charlie's voice: "Did he just throw up?"
Me: "Whut tha? Ohh snnnap!"
Sh*t just got real!
I flung the covers off to see Dracen flopping down in the dog's bed beside our bed (it was vacant because Brisco Darling has taken to sleeping with us again) and realized that he had indeed just thrown up all over the bedroom floor. I looked at the clock: 2:30 a.m. Lord, help me!
He had also thrown up all over his quilt. Charlie took care of putting that in the washer while I, much to my chagrin, cleaned up the floor. I have never dealt well with that sort of thing and it has been a very long time since anyone in our family had a stomach bug so I was out of practice. But I manged to trudge through it.
I then begged him to please, please try and make it to the bathroom or use the lined bucket I gave him after Charlie plucked him off the couch from which he flopped and refused to move and carried him back to his bed.
I was surprised to be awakened by my alarm at 6:15 since I had fully expected several more episodes. We all got lucky. Though I knew there was no way I was sending him to school so I finally got up after hitting snooze four times to see if Devin was going to be able to make it. He came in from a football game last night with a sore throat and congestion.
Nope. Still sick. So I called the whole day off and went back to bed. And have been feeling all day like someone pulled my energy plug and let it all seep out. Maybe I'm fighting something myself or maybe all that organizing of some of my Pinterest boards last night just took it out of me. That's probably it...
Pinterest overload.
Where was I going with this post? I have no idea. But since I'm on the subject of Pinterest now, here are a few of my favorite recent pins...
How true is this? It doesn't happen to me all that often but I have occasionally found myself on the second page of search results. And if you end up on the third page, forget it. It ain't happenin'.
I knew most of these already but anyone who has a dog should read this. Most of us know that chocolate is toxic to dogs but did you know that grapes/raisins are too? As well as a few other things that may surprise you.
I just thought this was very wise, insightful and true.
Ha! I never knew how many things one could make with pumpkin before my Pinterest days. Last night during my organizing of boards, I moved some things around and devoted an entire board to pumpkin recipes...
A baby chipmunk. Just because OMG, how cute is that?
I found this absolutely hysterical because it is 100% me.
Just ask Charlie. He tried it once.
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Like bright lights in your eyes and throw up on your floor at 2:30 in the morning.
Happy Weekend, Y'all!