I was not. And if you do not see any red letters that take you to other (and much more exciting) places around cyberspace in this post today, please make an appointment to have your eyes checked because you may be color blind. Okay, that was a joke. But do inform Houston (that would be me), either in the comments section (or on facebook if you arrived here via the fb train), that we (me again) have a problem so somebody (still just me) can
Now kindly fasten your seat belts and prepare for takeoff...
*If you are a southern woman, live with a southern woman, or just know a few southern women, then you know that there is no denying the truth behind these words written by Allison Glock... It also means never leaving the house with wet hair... It shows you don’t care, and not caring is not something Southern women do, at least when it comes to our hair. You can read the rest of what she had to say on redefining the Southern Belle by clicking here. Go ahead, I'll wait.
*I made these Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie Bars for Thanksgiving and they were so out of this world delicious that I sent all that were left with the boys to take on their hunting trip Thursday evening because I just didn't trust myself to be in the same house with them. They were that good.
*This iPod Gramophone at Pottery Barn has to be the most attractive docking station speaker in existence. I've been drooling over it ever since I stumbled across it while trying to do some Christmas shopping. Is it just me?
*Check out this quality-of-life index on the best country to be born in the year 2013. According to this it's not the land of the free and the home of the brave, which did not even make the top fifteen.
*Who knew you could buy a cutting board in the shape of your state? Well you can...from this etsy shop.
*These holiday colors gift guides at Fossil will suck you right in. You can shop gold, red or green. So hard to choose a favorite but here's a little look at the gold. I'll take one of everything. Dreaming is still free, right?
*I love this quote by Mark Twain who was born on this day in 1835...
*Anyone and everyone who is on facebook (which is pretty much all of us, right?) needs to read THIS list of 10 Ways to Avoid Facebook Drama at Relevant Magazine. Seriously, this should be required reading!
* I recently received a catalog from a place called Soft Surroundings that I did not immediately chunk into the recycling bin because "soft surroundings" sounded like my kind of happy. They have some really interesting stuff, everything from home decor to clothing and jewelry. This bracelet is just one of the many things that caught my eye there.
*The look on this dog's face in this Ultimate Dog Shaming Video is priceless. And also one I see on a daily basis around here.
Happy Friday!