Monday, November 19, 2012

A Cornucopia and a Bad Apple

Friday night my four month old iPhone died. It started acted crazy a few weeks ago...turning off randomly, not allowing me to click on icons...just all kinds of wonky.  I kept telling myself I was going to take it back to AT&T but seems it would straighten up and fly right for awhile each time I was about at my wit's end.  Until Friday night, that is.  

I went to take a photo of my glass of red wine and pack of unopened Peanut M&M's sitting side by side on the coffee table because those are the things Instagram worthiness is made of right there.  And just like that it went black, then gave me this screen...
I tried plugging it in and attempting a restore only to have it tell me it timed out after two hours.  Twice.  Mama was not happy.  And you know what that means...

Saturday is my one day to sleep in and make up for the sleep I didn't get through the week so it was early afternoon before I got my act together and headed for town, to the AT&T store.  I walked in the front door, phone in hand, and all but pounced at the man who asked how he could help me..."I've got a PROBLEM", I announced as I pushed my screen of death out toward him. 

He crinkled up his nose a bit, made his mouth all crooked and said, "Hmm...I don't know if I can help you but I'll try."  He took the phone from me, plugged it in and said, "Nope.  It's not doing a thing. You're going to have to call Apple."  I then inquired about the insurance to which he replied, "Oh yes..well, then I can give you a new phone for a hundred and ninety nine dollars then."  

Like that was going to happen. NOT.

He then informed me that I could go to the nearest Apple store which is in a mall in Charlotte and nearly an hour away.  Well, what choice did I have?  So he set me up a 6:30 appointment for the "Genius Bar".  Who knew such a thing even existed?  

I  left there with my appointment card in hand and set out to complete my cornucopia mission I was asked to do for the altar table at church and was now working under pressure since I needed to get that finished before continuing my journey to see the wizard at the genius bar.  

The sanctuary was like a meat locker when I arrived and although I have been going to the same church for eighteen years, it occurred to me that I had no idea where the light switch for the sanctuary  was. How did I not know this?  After about a ten minute search, I finally located the lights but knew that there was no need to bother with the heat because I'd be done before it warmed up anyway.  

I placed my items on the table, didn't like them, moved them, rearranged them, took them all back off, put them back on again and over and over until I finally forced myself to walk away, remembering what it was like to be a florist.  When I start creating something that lots of other people will see, I turn into this whole other perfectionist type A person with OCD issues that is the total opposite of who I normally am.  

Happens every time.

Here's the end result...
All I could think while sitting in church yesterday was, Are those MY fingerprints on that cross and how did I not notice them yesterday?!

I finally returned home from the cornucopia mission Saturday evening and informed Charlie that we had to go to Charlotte to see a genius about a phone. Devin was at a friend's house so it was just the three of us and Dracen immediately wanted to know what was in this for him.  "Food, my child.  We will buy you food."  He was actually pleasant for most of the trip.  Funny how that happens when his brother isn't around.  Works just the same way on Devin.  

The Apple store was a happening place and our genius (can't remember his name because I'm horrible with names) was extremely helpful.  He first restored my phone but as soon as he handed it back to me, the screen went black with the white apple.  He wasted no time taking it back from me and hooking me up with a brand new phone. Free of charge.  

Now that is what I call customer service.  

I wonder if they have a genius bar for middle school math homework? 


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  1. 4 Months, Aint that like 50 in Apple years?

    Your table decorations are gorgeous. About 3 times the goodies as the one at our Church. Same Rememberance table and chairs tho.

  2. You did a great job with the arrangement! I would be lost without my iphone.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. We are lucky that the Apple store is near my daughter's school. She's had to take her phone and macbook there. She got a new phone too after one year on a Iphone3 because it kept dying.

  4. 4 months? Really? That's terrible. I have a Blackberry and it stalls all the time. I've had it for 6 months. Such a pain.
    That arrangement is gorgeous. I didn't even notice the finger prints until you pointed them out :)

  5. What a gorgeous table!
    I can't listen to earphones on my Iphone, but other than that, I like it:) I've heard that Iphone insurance isn't worth it?

  6. Beautiful job! With the table and the iPhone. :)

  7. Hee hee - bad apple.
    New phone for free?? Awesome!!
    Your cornucopia was beautiful.

  8. Glad it worked out at the Apple store. I still have a droid and when I dropped mine in the toilet last fall, I didn't even try to ask for a new one, but I was lucky because a friend had an extra of the same model (I need more friends like this!)
