Friday, January 18, 2013

Can't You Just Feel the Snowflakes?

Our five day rain marathon finally turned into giant white flakes and brought us our first snow in two years last night. Dracen was literally bouncing off the walls and flipping over the furniture and finally landed himself in solitary confinement to his room for a few minutes after he came up behind me on the couch and covered me in a big, wet ball of snow.  
There are three things I cannot tolerate...1)being tickled, 2)being smacked on the back too hard with a flat hand and 3)being hit with something wet and cold.  Dracen has accomplished two of those things this week and has also suddenly begun sneaking up behind me, jumping onto my back and demanding a piggyback ride which wouldn't be all that bad if he didn't wrap his kung fu gripping fingers around my neck, forcing my instincts into survival mode. 

The threat of snow prompted our school board to make an early decision yesterday afternoon, placing us on a three hour delay today but although we only ended up getting about an inch here at my house, the phone woke me at 7:30 this morning with a message that school had been cancelled for the day. I turned off the alarm and slept until 10:30.  Please don't judge.  I was exhausted from all the piggyback riding.  

Anyway, I was a little disappointed when I finally got up and looked out the window.  I was hoping to see more than an inch,  already melting since the temps. had risen above the freezing mark. But seeing the blue skies and sunshine made me happy since it is the first time it has made an appearance since I can't even remember when.  I was beginning to wonder if I should Google "how to make an arc".  

Somehow I don't think the weather we've experienced this week was what Mr. Taylor envisioned when he wrote Carolina In My Mind. I'm just saying.  It's good to be back in the world of sunshine again... 

And now that I'm recalling the lyrics to that song I'm wondering what he meant by "Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind".  Funny how I never gave any thought to that line before but he sings it like it's a good thing.  Why would you want someone to hit you from behind?  (See above the 3 things I find intolerable). 
Maybe he was "feeling the moonshine" a little too much when he wrote that line.   

And I think I'll end on that note.  

Wishing you all a happy weekend of blue skies, sunshine and no hits from behind.


  1. Ah, my 9-year old would absolutely die for snow, but no luck here in LA. What is the compulsion our children have for jumping on us? I guess we should be happy for the attention!

  2. Should have heard the sighs at my place when all the schools were operating on the regular schedule this morn.

    We had some ping pong ball sized snow flakes for about ten minutes last night. Then nothing.

  3. At least you got SOME snow...not a flake fell here! Such a bummer! Hey, but the sunshine is out today and life is GOOD! Have a happy weekend, Diane!

  4. One of my favorite songs...guess I should listen to the lyrics more closely! :-)

    The ground was covered here, but it melted by morning, so we got away with the delay. Then it was a beautiful day here as well!

  5. LOVE James Taylor! And I think it's more of the pat on the back you get from a good friend that he's singing about. :) I hate snow. There I said it. I'm fine with the cold, but snow I have no use for. Which is unfortunate... since it's gonna snow tonight. *sigh* better find the boots...
