Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Favorites

I went all out yesterday and baked us a heart-shaped cake for dessert last night. I was inspired by all those Valentinesy pins on Pinterest. They reminded me that I have two heart-shaped cake pans in the cabinet that I think I used precisely once for Valentine's Day the first year Darin and I were married (15 years ago). 

Somewhere around here is a photo of me, in my pajamas, holding that little chocolate "I Heart You" cake that if I recall, looked better than it tasted. I think I had some fancy recipe with a hundred ingredients but despite my best efforts, it was a little on the dry side. Baking cakes to perfection has never been my strong suit which is why I stuck with my good friend, Mr. Duncan Hines, this time around.
In other news, Dracen is sick with a nasty smoker's cough again. Only this time it decided to bring the fever with it so we'll be headed to the doctor's office later this morning and I will serve as his nurse and all-around personal assistant for the duration of his illness. He's always been my melodramatic patient (I've no idea where he gets it). 

I told him I think he may have bronchitis.  He wanted to know how bad that is and if I've ever had it. Not that I can recall", I told him. "So how bad is it?", he asked. I explained to him that I think it's pretty easy to get rid of with an antibiotic to which he replied, "So you don't know if I'm gonna die or not!"  And then he asked for oatmeal. 

It's going to be a long day.

But today is Friday (with a 3 day weekend on the horizon) and the show goes on so here are a few things that made my favorites list this week...

I love the coziness of this room but what really got my attention
is the ceiling. We have a cathedral ceiling in our living
room and I would love to do something like this with it. 

A Good Read
by Melanie Shankle
I've been reading Melanie's Big Mama blog for nearly three
years now and was so excited to hear she'd written a book. It 
was finally released last Friday and I dove right in. 
She has such a gift of writing in the most inviting way
that makes you feel like she is your long lost soul sister. 
Plus, she is hilarious.
I  highly recommend her book and her blog.

A Trinket
Charlie gave me this turquoise bracelet along
with some comfy satin pajamas and a box of chocolates for Valentine's. He knows me well.

I'm such a sucker for an embroidered tunic.
Love this one from Sundance.

Bumper Sticker
Cracked me up because
I say this to the boys ALL THE TIME.


My Love Language
This just makes me smile.

A Favorite Quote

Not that I have a spare closet laying around
but if I did...

Blast From the Distant Past
Charlie found this old pic of me when he was flipping 
through that pile of photos Dracen brought 
in out of the garage last Sunday and
now fully understands how honestly Devin came by this look. 
And how much more 70's can a photograph get?

An Oldie but Goodie
Because this song (one of my forever favorites)
 has been in my head since
last night when we were sitting at the table and I saw
my heart cake sitting there with three pieces gone out 
of it and Charlie said he was going to have another piece.
I burst into song right there at the table. 

Happy Friday!

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  1. Bronchitis can last forever. My daughter had it last semester at college and she got it at the beginning and by the end of the semester it was almost gone. Nasty nasty cough.

  2. So with you on Duncan Hines having everything we need! Love your look in that old photo. Hilarious!

  3. I love that book nook! That's awesome! I would seriously remove the pantry in my kitchen and turn it into that if I could get away with it. I spend all my internet minutes on Houzz. I'm SO addicted!

  4. OH I hope that he is ok. We are getting plowed with a stomach virus right now.
    I wish I could have someone make a cake like that for me...I mean I wish that I could make a cake like that so I could eat I could share it...jeeesh...happy friday

  5. 9 times out of 10, I prefer a box cake. I have a good friend who is an excellent cake maker and I told her that her from scratch cake tasted "Just like the box" and she was all insulted at first until she realized how picky I am and that was the highest form of cake compliment I give!

    I don't do satin pj's. I can't stand the way they slide over my skin... I'm a boring cotton kind of girl, although cotton has gotten fairly high-end and fancy in recent years!

    Hope Dracen feels better!

  6. Love the drama! The Superhero says I have that gift, but i don't know where he gets that from! :)

    I would love to have an extra closet to make a book nook in too, but we once made an office from a closet (think teeny) and had to rip it back out because we really needed the actual closet space.
