I simply meant to write about things that bring about (in my mind) a sort of magical feeling in what would otherwise be considered ordinary moments. Just a few synonyms for the word magical include extraordinary, exceptional, marvelous, breathtaking, and even miraculous. But I think you all knew what I meant. I know the Lord knows what is in my heart and that my intentions were, are, and always have been to honor Him.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, it has been an incredibly difficult weekend in which I've found myself walking around in a sort of daze with a sick twisting knot in the pit of my stomach. My heart is heavy and hurting for my friend and all involved in this horrific tragedy.
Still, two separate moments stood out for me this morning, reminding me of His presence, love, and grace.
The first one occurred as we were driving to church when a beautiful rendition of It Is Well With My Soul, a song near and dear to my heart, came on the radio. I pray that one day these families will experience the full peace of these words written by Horatio Spafford after the loss of his children all those many, many years ago.
And later, as I was changing clothes in my bedroom, I looked out the window to the sight of my beloved redbirds (cardinals). It's been awhile since I've seen them and as always, they bring much joy and comfort to my own soul. You can read my poem about them under my Grief Poetry tab at the top of the page. I got the most beautiful shot of the female through the window (it was almost as if she knew I was taking her picture because right when I got the lens to the window, she turned her head to the side and 'struck a pose'). The battery was dying but I was able to get a semi-good shot of the male first.
The beauty of God's creation (I believe) is one of his greatest gifts to us.

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